showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Gold Rush Mr. Micro1981This was England's first Vic-20 game. First computer game in the world to offer real gold for the first correct solution. A bag of 22 carat gold was offered to the first person who completed the game. labelimageminimize
Hopper DES1982 labelimageminimize
Menagerie Commodore (Cimarron)1982VIC-1926 Cartridge labelimageminimize
River Rescue Thorn EMI1982Similar to "River Raid", only that this one is scrolling horizontally and not vertically. Average by VC20 standards. labelimageminimize
Princess and Frog  Romox1983 labelimageminimize
Salmon Run Synapse Software1983 labelimageminimize