showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddisplaydescriptionlanguage
Battle Arena Toshinden Remix  Sega (Takara)1995textured polygonsThis is a classic style 3D, 360 degree movement fighting game. It has Story mode, 1 player gaming, Vs Human, and Vs Computer. This is an updated version of the original Battle Arena Toshiden with a new character and new moves.***Japanese version
[26]***Japanese version
Battle Arena Toshinden URA: Ultimate Revenge Attack  Sega;Takara (Takara)1996textured polygonsThis is a standard 3D, 360 degree fighting game. It's part of the Battle Arena Toshinden series and takes place after the first Battle Arena Toshinden. This release adds two new fighters, and 2 new bosses. It has 15 arenas and new costumes and voiceovers to the existing characters.***