showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Coco Castle Kuma Computers1984 castle lives score labelimageminimize
Mr. Do! vs Unicorns  Sony1984 apples bludgeons castle cherries clowns food-theme ladders score labelimageminimize
Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress Activision1985 castle labelimageminimize
Ninja-kun: Majou no Bouken  Dexter;Eaglesoft (Dexter)1985 castle lives mountain ninja ninjakun-series ninjaprotagonist nofalldamage score thrownweapons timelimit labelimageminimize
Castle Excellent  ASCII1986 carnivorousplants castle deadlywater did elevators europeanfae instantdeath keys knives meleeweapons monsters movingplatforms nofalldamage puzzleplatformer rescue score walking labelimageminimize
The Castle  ASCII1986 carnivorousplants castle deadlywater did elevators europeanfae instantdeath keys knives meleeweapons monsters movingplatforms nofalldamage puzzleplatformer rescue score walking labelimageminimize
The Ice King CDS Software1986 castle ladders lives score labelimageminimize
Spirits Topo Soft1987 castle lives mysticprotagonist labelimageminimize