showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdisplay
Hydlide (ハイドライド) T&E Soft1985 amoeboids cemetery chiroptera europeanfae healthregen hydlide magic skeletons tombstones vampires walking rasterlabelimageminimize
Castle Excellent (キャッスルエクセレント) ASCII1986 carnivorousplants castle deadlywater did elevators europeanfae instantdeath keys knives meleeweapons monsters movingplatforms nofalldamage puzzleplatformer rescue score walking rasterlabelimageminimize
The Castle (The Castle and Princess;ザ・キャッスル) ASCII1986 carnivorousplants castle deadlywater did elevators europeanfae instantdeath keys knives meleeweapons monsters movingplatforms nofalldamage puzzleplatformer rescue score walking rasterlabelimageminimize