showing 18 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeargame type
Big Buck Hunter Pro: Tournament Edition Betson2007shooting gallery labelminimizeminimize
Commando  Capcom1985shooter labelimagesubject
Crack Down Sega1989maze shooter Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Datsugoku: Prisoners of War  SNK1988beat 'em up labelimageminimize
Dead Angle Seibu Kaihatsu;Fabtek1988shooting gallery Historical labelimagesubject
Dynamite Duke  Seibu Kaihatsu1989shooting gallery labelimageminimize
Empire City 1931  Taito;Romstar (Seibu Kaihatsu)1987shooting gallery Historical labelimageminimize
Gun.Smoke  Capcom1985shooter labelimageminimize
Operation G.H.O.S.T. Sega2012shooter labelimageminimize
Operation Wolf  Taito1987shooting gallery labelimageminimize
Ranger Mission Sammy2004shooting gallery labelimageminimize
Robocop Data East1988beat 'em up Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Rolling Thunder Namco1986platformer shooter labelimagesubject
Sly Spy: Secret Agent Data East1989beat 'em up shooter labelimageminimize
The Punisher  Capcom1993beat 'em up labelimageminimize
Time Limit Chuo1983platformer labelimageminimize
Time Traveller  Sega1991action/reflex fighting labelimagesubject
Vampire Night Namco (WOW Entertainment)2001shooting gallery labelimageminimize