showing 13 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardpersp.description
Bradley Trainer Atari1980c labelimageminimize
005 Sega1981aAgent 005 brings new cash collections 10 you. His mission is to deliver secret attache cases to an awaiting helicopter. Through wiry street chases and the shadows of warehouse darkness to slippery skating rink maneuvers and the blazing aerial getaway flight...
Agent 005 steals the scene and delivers customers to you
Fun-filled music attracts them, Four thrilling escape scenes challenge them and the continuing fun keeps them playing and playing.
The unique audio and video excitement matches every player's skill level.
Rescue  Stern1982bWith your helicopter save paratroopers while shooting down enemy helicopters, boats, submarines and sharks

The game used two joysticks, one for moving and the other for shooting.
Sky Army Shoei1982b labelimageminimize
Sarge Bally Midway1985a labelimageminimize
Blazer Namco1987al3Blazer is an isometric-perspective scrolling shooter for one or two players. Set in a war-torn country, the player controls a tank named "Vanguard" and a helicopter named "Handy" alternately. Goal is to get to the top of the screen while killing enemies both on land and in the air. At the bottom of the screen a fuel-meter is shown that slowly depletes to zero and a life is lost. Therefore it is wise to carefully shoot and collect fuel canisters that are scattered throughout the scenery. When some air-based enemies are hit by Vanguard's anti-aircraft missiles, they leave behind a power-up which will either restore some of its fuel or make it invulnerable for a short period of time.

In some missions special gates can be found. If Vanguard passes through a gate marked "T2" it upgrades to a tank that can shoot in four directions simultaneously; a gate marked "T3" gives Vanguard an enormous cannon that can shoot enormous shots at enemies.

There are 10 missions, with in the final mission the player controlling an airboat called "Maiboto".
[Moby Games]***
Operation Wolf  Taito1987c labelimageminimize
Thunder Blade  Sega1987ad labelimageminimize
Chopper I  SNK1988a2 labelimageminimize
Dynamite Duke  Seibu Kaihatsu1989d
Rambo III Taito1989d labelimageminimize
Carrier Air Wing Capcom1990b labelimageminimize
Sonic Wings  Video System1992aSonic Wings (ソニックウィングス), known as Aero Fighters in the west, is a vertically scrolling shooter originally released in arcades in 1992 by Video System and ported to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1993. It was the first game in the Sonic Wings series. labelimagesubject