showing 14 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Golden Tee Classic Incredible Technologies2001 golf itech32-hw lutris mame labelimageminimize
Golden Tee 2K  Incredible Technologies2000 golf itech32-hw mame labelimageminimize
Golden Tee '99  Incredible Technologies1999 golf itech32-hw mame labelimageminimize
Golden Tee '98  Incredible Technologies1998 golf horizontalscreen itech32-hw mame labelimageminimize
Golden Tee '97  Incredible Technologies1997 golf itech32-hw mame labelimageminimize
World Class Bowling Incredible Technologies1996 bowling horizontalscreen itech32-hw mame labelimageminimize
Golden Tee 3D Golf  Incredible Technologies1995 golf itech32-hw mame labelimageminimize
Shuffleshot Incredible Technologies1995 itech32-hw mame labelimageminimize
Street Fighter: The Movie Capcom (Strata;Incredible Technologies)1995 1on1fighting digitizedimages horizontalscreen itech32-hw mame movie streetfighter One of Capcom's biggest mistakes!
[SF Fan]
Blood Storm  Incredible Technologies (Strata)1994 1on1fighting dismemberment gore horizontalscreen itech32-hw mame splatter Gory.

A fictional home version of this game was featured in the Simson's episode "Marge Be Not Proud". It appeared to be for the Sega Megadrive.
Pairs  Incredible Technologies;Strata1994 horizontalscreen itech32-hw mame memory pairsgame wrong image labelimageminimize
Driver's Edge Strata;Incredible Technologies1993 formula1 horizontalscreen itech32-hw mame labelimageminimize
Hard Yardage Strata;Incredible Technologies1993 americanfootball itech32-hw mame labelimageminimize
Time Killers Strata (Incredible Technologies)1992 1on1fighting dismemberment gore horizontalscreen itech32-hw mame splatter Extra-gory fighting game. labelimageminimize