showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Tranquilizer Gun Sega1980 labelimageminimize
Jungle King  Taito1982 labelimageminimize
Congo Bongo  Sega1983 labelimageminimize
Ikari Warriors  SNK;Tradewest (SNK)1986[media=youtube]8ECiZUWoz8c[/media]***This is the only version of Ikari Warriors that is Twin-Stick Shooter.***Help Paul and Vince storm the enemy jungle with guns, grenades, and tanks. The game features an innovative joystick that can be twisted to aim a character's gun.
Ikari is a Japanese word meaning "anger".
Operation Wolf  Taito1987 labelimageminimize
M.I.A. Missing In Action Konami1989 labelimageminimize