showing 6 games

Fester's Quest  Nintendo1989 1life addamsfamily amoeboids dark-limited healthpickups keys loot-random loot-unexpected mitoticcreatures playchoice10-hw uvl-tiein labelminimizeminimize
The Goonies  Konami1987 bombs chiroptera city-astoria-or crabs earth fish ghosts keys ladders lives lutris mame mice movie oregon rescue score skeletons subterranean teenprotagonist timelimit unarmedfighting usa walking labelimageminimize
Xybots  Atari1987 friendlyfire horizontalscreen keys mame map mp-cooperative robots
Solomon's Key  Tecmo1986 custom-hw europeanfae ghosts horizontalscreen instantdeath keys lives magic mame monsters nofalldamage npcspawning score secrets timelimit walking labelimageminimize
Gauntlet  Atari1985 aimdirlimit arenashooter dandylike gauntlet-hw gauntlet-series horizontalscreen hunger keys keys-disposable mame mp-cooperative npcgenerators GAUNTLET™ ... the arcade sensation. You will enter a world full of monsters and mazes, follow the paths of mystery and combat searching for the food which allows you to increase your health. Monsters and legions of enemies will bar your way. They are not your only adversaries however, in this search for food, treasure and magic potions — the other players are also searching for the same good bounty.***This is one of the most playfull games of the 80's. But also one of the most money hungry games as well.
A real classic. Especally having the indestructable death, who could only be killed, by magic, or draining 200 health points.
Black Tiger  Capcom1987 barbarianprotagonist bossbattles custom-hw dragons dragons-western horizontalscreen jumping keys ladders mame monsters poles potions powerups rewardingvandalism runandgun score secrets shopping timelimit wiivirtualconsole "Long long ago, three dragons descended from skies above with a rolling thunder and destroyed a kingdom into darkness.
From lengthy suffering and darkness of the kingdom came one brave fighter"