showing 37 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescriptionpop.
Batsugun Toaplan1993 bossbattles energyweapons fighteraircraft lives mame manicshooter scrollingshooter smartbomb toaplansystem2-hw verticalscreen Character based shoot'em-up over strange organic terrain, this is the last game finished by Toaplan, and the first with an ending without having to play through the game twice.
DoDonPachi  Atlus (Cave)1995 aerodyne cavesystem-hw donpachi helicopter mame manicshooter rotorcraft scrollingshooter verticalscreen
DonPachi  Atlus (Cave)1995 cavesystem-hw chargingweapons donpachi mame manicshooter noautofire
Sengeki Striker Kaneko (Warashi)1997 bossbattles drone instantdeath kanekosh2-hw mame manicshooter scrollingshooter smartbomb verticalscreen
Cyvern: The Dragon Weapons Kaneko1998 biorobots bossbattles instantdeath kanekosh2-hw mame manicshooter scrollingshooter smartbomb verticalscreen
Dangun Feveron Cave1998 cavesystem-hw mame manicshooter scrollingshooter verticalscreen
ESP Ra.De.  Atlus;Cave1998 cavesystem-hw mame manicshooter scrollingshooter verticalscreen Wow ive played about every shooter availibile for arcade and when i played this i was very pleasently suprised. Awesome intuitive enemies with very fun and challanging bullet patterns. Challenging but not cheap is the key to a good game or a frustrating annoyance. and even if you do get stuck it has a cool sheil feature like mars matrix and giga wing but better implemented than those two games. This is in my top 3 most favorite shooters of all time!
Radiant Silvergun  ESP (Treasure)1998 horizontalscreen mame manicshooter scrollingshooter stvtitan-hw
Giga Wing Capcom1999 cps2-hw horizontalscreen mame manicshooter scrollingshooter
Psyvariar: Medium Unit Success1999 mame manicshooter taitognet-hw verticalscreen
Giga Wing 2 Capcom;Takumi2000 manicshooter naomi-hw
Psyvariar: Revision Success2000 manicshooter
Ikaruga  Sega (Treasure)2001 chargedattack hard mame manicshooter naomigdrom-hw spiritualsuccessor verticalscreen
Progear no Arashi Capcom (Cave)2001 cps2-hw mame manicshooter Progear takes several key Cave shooting game elements and tosses them into a horizontal environment.
Bucket loads of bullets, a two button weapon system, wholly intense boss fights, and a sharp presentation round out Cave's one and only horizontal shooter.
Vasara 2 Visco2001 bossbattles instantdeath lives mame manicshooter meleeweapons psykiosh2-hw scrollingshooter verticalscreen
Bee Storm  I.G.S.;Saint-Fun International;Capcom (I.G.S.)2001 donpachi mame manicshooter pgm-hw powerups scrollingshooter spacecraft-small verticalscreen
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou  AMI (Cave)2002 donpachi manicshooter pgm-hw
DoDonPachi Revival Cave2002 donpachi manicshooter todo-verifyexistence
Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi Cave2002 mame manicshooter pgm-hw verticalscreen
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou Black Label AMI (Cave)2002 donpachi mame manicshooter pgm-hw scrollingshooter verticalscreen
ESPGaluda Cave2003 mame manicshooter pgm-hw scrollingshooter verticalscreen
Psyvariar 2 Taito (Success)2003 manicshooter
Mushihime-sama  Cave2004 cavecv1k-hw mame manicshooter mushihimesama scrollingshooter uvl-missingimages verticalscreen Every two centuries, the monstrous insects of the Forest of Pearls have demanded a teenage human sacrifice from the kingdom of Starfall. It's about that time.

The precocious 15-year old Princess Reko straddles a golden-shelled beetle named Kiniro and works her way through insect-filled levels where purple buckshot chokes the air with their density. Guide Reko through mazes of moving blips and use beetle firepower to take on all comers. Up to two players may cooperate with the second player in charge of a lad named Aki who mounts a silver hued beetle.
ESPGaluda II Cave2005 cavecv1k-hw mame manicshooter scrollingshooter verticalscreen
Shikigami no Shiro III  Taito (Alfa System)2006 castleshikigami manicshooter taitotypex-hw
Ibara Pink Sweets  Cave2006 cavecv1k-hw mame manicshooter scrollingshooter verticalscreen One of those insanely difficult SHMUPs where the enemy bullets cover the entire screen.

Official website:
Mushihime-Sama Futari  Cave2006 cavecv1k-hw mame manicshooter mushihimesama scrollingshooter verticalscreen
Deathsmiles Cave2007 cavecv1k-hw deathsmiles horizontalscreen mame manicshooter scrollingshooter
Muchi Muchi Pork! Cave2007 cavecv1k-hw mame manicshooter scrollingshooter verticalscreen
Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label Cave2007 cavecv1k-hw mame manicshooter mushihimesama scrollingshooter verticalscreen
DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu  AMI (Cave)2008 cavecv1k-hw donpachi mame manicshooter scrollingshooter verticalscreen
Deathsmiles Mega Black Label  Cave2008 cavecv1k-hw deathsmiles horizontalscreen mame manicshooter scrollingshooter
Deathsmiles II: Makai no Merry Christmas AMI (Cave)2009 christmas deathsmiles holiday horizontalscreen mamenotplayable manicshooter scrollingshooter taitotypex-hw Deathsmiles II: Makai no Merry Christmas is a horizontal side scrolling shoot 'em up arcade game by Japanese developer Cave, released in 2009. It is the third Cave shoot 'em up to be played using a horizontally-oriented monitor (preceded by Progear and the original Deathsmiles). Deathsmiles II is also the first CAVE arcade game to use polygons instead of their traditional sprites for graphics.
Akai Katana Cave2010 horizontalscreen manicshooter nomame scrollingshooter
DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label AMI (Cave)2011 cavecv1k-hw donpachi manicshooter
Akai Katana Shin Cave2012 horizontalscreen manicshooter nomame scrollingshooter taitotypex-hw Set in a parallel world resembling Japan's Taisho period, the people have discovered the powerful Blood Swords, the titular Akai Katana. Requiring human sacrifices to unleash their immense destructive power, these swords have been used by the empire to crush neighbouring countries. However, all the bloodshed and power gained through sacrificing close family members has made some of the swordsmen reconsider. With new fighter planes and the powered up swords at their disposal, this small band of rebels now fight back against the tyrannical empire.
Crimzon Clover  ? (YOTSUBANE)2013 horizontalscreen manicshooter nomame scrollingshooter taitotypex-hw Crimzon Clover is a vertically scrolling dojin bullet hell Flash game developed by Yotsubane and released at the 79th Comiket. Its name is a reference to the crimson clover, a species of clover native to Europe. Originally released for Windows on January 11, 2011 in Japan, a NESiCAxLive arcade version was released on April 25, 2013.