showing 18 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Action Fighter Sega1985 driving mame motorcycle score scrollingshooter system16a-hw vehicularcombat verticalscreen Player controls a bike that can be transformed into a sportscar or airplane, by accumulating power-up's. labelimagesubject
Cycle Warriors Tatsumi1991 horizontalscreen mame motorcycle tatsumi-hw labelimageminimize
Enduro Racer Sega1986 enduro horizontalscreen mame motorcycle motorracing motorsport score timelimit labelimageminimize
GP Rider Sega1990 horizontalscreen mame motorcycle motorracing motorsport segaxboard-hw labelimageminimize
Hang-On Sega1985 horizontalscreen mame motorcycle racinggame segahangon timelimit labelimageminimize
Harley Davidson & L.A. Riders Sega1997 horizontalscreen mamenotplayable motorcycle motorracing segamodel3-hw segamodel3.20-hw timelimit labelimageminimize
Knuckle Joe  Taito (Seibu Kaihatsu)1985 1980s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium city langinsignificant latemodernperiod lives mame motorcycle naturalistic outdoors present score unarmedfighting vehicularcombat walking labelimageminimize
Manx TT SuperBike DX Sega1995 motorcycle segamodel2acrx-hw labelminimizeminimize
Motor Raid  Sega1997 horizontalscreen mame motorcycle motorracing motorsport segamodel2acrx-hw labelimageminimize
Namennayo  Cat's1982 anthroprotagonist felidprotagonist horizontalscreen lives mame motorcycle score labelimageminimize
Racing Hero Sega1989 horizontalscreen mame motorcycle racinggame segasystem32-hw segaxboard-hw timelimit labelimageminimize
Radikal Bikers Atari (Gaelco)1998 gaelco3d-hw horizontalscreen mame motorcycle scooter This game's premise--that you are a pizza-delivery boy biking through an Italian city, trying to stay alive while you inflict mayhem on your rivals--is certainly one of the more original I've seen. There is a single standalone version in which you play against the machine's AI, but the Gaelco site seems to recommend (or even "assume") that two cabinets be linked for head-to-head play--anyone seen this? ( labelimageminimize
Rally Bike  Toaplan1988 mame motorcycle motorracing score toaplansystem1-hw vehicle-pontiacgrandam verticalscreen
[49]***An upward-scrolling motorbike racing game, where you compete against 80 other bikes. In later levels you will also compete against cars (that fill up the entire road so you can't pass them).
Super Hang-On Sega1987 horizontalscreen mame motorcycle motorracing motorsport score segahangon segaoutrun-hw timelimit labelimageminimize
Suzuka 8 Hours Namco1992 enduranceracing mame motorcycle motorracing motorsport namcosystem2-hw labelimageminimize
Traverse USA  Willams (Irem)1983 iremm52-hw mame motorcycle score usa verticalscreen labelimageminimize
Vs. Excitebike Nintendo1984 horizontalscreen mame motorcycle nintendovs racinggame labelimageminimize
World Grand Prix  Taito1990 custom-hw horizontalscreen mamenotplayable motorcycle motorracing motorsport racinggame track-assen track-doningtonpark track-hockenheimring track-lagunaseca track-lemans track-phillipisland track-spa track-suzuka "a real racing experience..."
Challenge the world's toughest international race circuits.***