showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescriptionlanguagerank
Psycho Soldier SNK1987 en, jplabelimageminimize
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  Konami1989 enlabelimageminimize
Time Traveller  Sega1991[media=youtube]zMCU4k_XBqg[/media]***Travel to different time periods, meet interesting people, and kill them. (paradoxes?)

Sega produced a billboard style marquee that prominently featured the word "Hologram". It could be placed above the unit, or not. The title of the game itself was placed on top of the unit between the stereo speakers and was less noticeable than the billboard. Thus, pictures of the unit with the optional billboard tend to suggest the game was actually titled "Hologram" while units without it were appropriately thought to be titled "Time Traveler" but mistaken for a different game than the supposed "Hologram"

Part of the Hologram series (along with [game=#41697]Holosseum[/game]).
en, jplabelimagesubject