showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardpersp.description
Mahjong Pachinko Monogatari Nichibutsu1992e labelimageminimize
Pachinko Sexy Reaction Sammy1998bSlot-machine game with sexy manga graphics.

Do you know how to play pachinko? If not, it's not tough to pick up. Mess with a lever to adjust the power of your shots, then hit a button to launch a ball into the field and hope it lands in one of the pockets so you can get more balls, which can be exchanged for prizes. In this game, you go through three rounds each on five pachinko boards.
Pachinko Sexy Reaction 2 Sammy1999bPSR2 brings to the table the same kind of brilliant one-handed gameplay that makes the first game such a star. Some changes have occurred, though; the fever stages are gone, and replaced with bonus stages that do very little but draw out the gameplay with awkward mini-games, all of which are pretty forgettable. There's about three or four more girls, and no returning ones, as well as a different art style. The animation is a little less elaborate, but all the fanservice is still present.

It's worth a play if you liked the first one or have a serious hankering for pachinko games.