showing 10 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns Activision;Sega (Sega)1984 aerostat earth electriceels ending frog giantscorpions jumping latemodernperiod mame naturalistic pitfallseries primates retrypoints score segasystem1-hw southamerica subterranean swimming underwaterdiving walking Level 1 of this game resembles the original Pitfall!. Level 2 Resembles Pitfall II. Level 3 is unique and not available in any previous versions of any Pitfall game. Run through the jungle and caves collection treasures but more importantly, your friends that are lost in it. Avoid poisonous frogs, scorpions, snakes, crocodiles, and piranhas.
Rockford: The Arcade Game Arcadia Systems1988 boulderdashlike claiming digging instantdeath subterranean timelimit labelminimizeminimize
Dig Dug  Atari;Namco1982 bug-overflow digdug digging killscreen lives mame namco3xz80-hw score subterranean verticalscreen wiivirtualconsole Zig Zag is a bootleg version on Galaxian boards by an unknown manufacturer, perhaps LAX. labelimageminimize
The Adventures of Robby Roto Bally Midway1981 astrocade-hw digging horizontalscreen lives mame score subterranean The author has made the game ROM legal to download for non-commercial use. labelimageminimize
The Pit Centuri;Taito1982 lives mame pris-hw score subterranean verticalscreen labelimageminimize
Boulder Dash Data East1985 boulderdashlike claiming decocassette-hw digging mame subterranean verticalscreen labelimageminimize
Spelunker Irem1985 horizontalscreen iremm62-hw mame score spelunker-series subterranean titularcharacter labelimageminimize
The Goonies  Konami1987 bombs chiroptera city-astoria-or crabs earth fish ghosts keys ladders lives lutris mame mice movie oregon rescue score skeletons subterranean teenprotagonist timelimit unarmedfighting usa walking labelimageminimize
Wonder Boy Sega1986 birds bossbattles chiroptera did elevators fish forest frog horizontalscreen island lives mame nofalldamage octopus platformer rescue score segasystem1-hw segasystem2-hw skateboard snails snakes spiders subterranean thrownweapons walking wonderboy Wonder Boy Deluxe has a dip switch to control how fast the energy decreases. labelimageminimize
Bagman  Valadon1982 custom-hw ladders mame score subterranean verticalplatformer verticalscreen labelimageminimize