showing 48 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)year
221B Baker Street Datasoft (Pacific Softech;Intellicreations)1987labelimageminimize
A-10 Tank Killer (A10 Tank Killer) Dynamix1989labelimagesubject
Aces of the Pacific (Aces of the Pacific WWII: 1946) Sierra On-Line (Dynamix)1992labelimageminimize
Battle Isle Blue Byte1992labelimageminimize
Cadaver Renegade Software;Image Works;Ubi Soft (The Bitmap Brothers)1991labelimagesubject
Comanche: Maximum Overkill Novalogic1992labelimageminimize
Command & Conquer (Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn;C&C) Virgin (Westwood Studios)1995labelimagesubject
Doom II (Doom 2;Doom II: Hell on Earth) id Software1994labelimagesubject
Duke Nukem 3D (Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition;DN3D;duke3d) Apogee Software (3D Realms)1996labelimagesubject
F-15 Strike Eagle II (F-15 Strike Eagle 2) Microprose1989labelimageminimize
Falcon 3.0 MicroProse (Sphere)1991labelimageminimize
Falcon 3.0: Operation: Fighting Tiger ? (Sphere)1992labelminimizeminimize
Fighter Bomber (Strike Aces) Activision (Vektor Grafix)1989labelimageminimize
Flight Simulator 4.0 (Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0;FS4) Microsoft1989labelimageminimize
Flight Simulator 5.0 (FS5;Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0) Microsoft1993labelimageminimize
Gunship 2000 (Power Games II) Microprose1991labelimagesubject
Harpoon Three-Sixty1989labelimageminimize
IndyCar Racing Virgin (Papyrus Design Group)1993labelimageminimize
Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf Accolade1989labelimageminimize
Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course Design Accolade (Sculptured Software)1990labelimageminimize
Jetfighter II Velocity;U.S. Gold (Velocity)1990labelimageminimize
Lemmings (Covox Lemmings;הנמלולים;Ha-Namlulim) Psygnosis (DMA Design)1991labelimagesubject
Links: The Challenge of Golf Access Software1990labelimageminimize
Paladin Omnitrend Software;Artronic Products (Omnitrend Software)1988labelimageminimize
PGA European Tour Electronic Arts (Intelligent Games)1996labelminimizeminimize
PGA Tour 96 Electronic Arts (EA Sports)1995labelminimizeminimize
Populous Electronic Arts (Bullfrog)1989labelimageminimize
PowerMonger (Power Monger) Electronic Arts (Bullfrog)1992labelimageminimize
Red Baron (Sierra Award Winners) Sierra On-Line (Dynamix)1990labelimageminimize
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe Lucasfilm Games (LucasArts)1991labelimageminimize
Siege Mindcraft1992labelimageminimize
SimCity (Sim City) Electronic Arts;Brøderbund (Maxis)1989labelimagesubject
Star Wars: X-Wing LucasArts1993labelimageminimize
Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles (Steel Panthers 2) SSI1996labelminimizeminimize
Strike Commander (Super Strike Commander) Origin Systems;Electronic Arts (Origin Systems)1992labelimageminimize
Strip Poker II (Deluxe Strip Poker) Artworx;Anco (Artworx)1988labelimageminimize
Strip Poker: A Sizzling Game of Chance (Artworx Strip Poker) Artworx Software;U.S. Gold1985labelimagesubject
Su-27 Flanker (Su*27 Flanker) SSI (Flying Legends)1995labelminimizeminimize
Subwar 2050 Microprose1994labelimageminimize
Test Drive II: The Duel Accolade (Distinctive Software)1989labelimageminimize
Test Drive III: The Passion Accolade1990labelimageminimize
The Perfect General QQP (White Wolf Productions)1991labelimageminimize
Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain Lucasfilm Games (LucasArts)1989labelimageminimize
U.S. Navy Fighters Electronic Arts1994labelimageminimize
UMS (Universal Military Simulator) Rainbird1987labelimageminimize
UMS II: Nations at War MicroPlay Software;Rainbird (Intergalactic Development)1990labelimageminimize
Wing Commander Origin Systems1990labelimagesubject
Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi (Wing Commander 2) Origin (Origin Systems)1991labelimageminimize