showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Countdown Access Software1990 labelimageminimize
Nephi's Quest Compuclassics;Eagle Marketing (TechnoCrafts Unlimited)1990This game is considered to be of the historical genre to those who believe it to be true. Intended to be played by a family.

Requires 8088/86 CPU, 8mhz recommended, 512 KB RAM, CGA/EGA/MCGA/Tandy/PCjr/VGA video, Optional PC Speaker, Joystick, Mouse, Keyboard.

The specifying of an 8 mhz CPU suggests an overclocked IBM PC/AT, overclocked PS/2, or odd PC clone as the recommended system. Such things were actually offered by IBM and some clone manufacturers but this was hardly the most common thing especially in 1990 (many old systems were 6 mhz and under or most were 16mhz and over).