showing 10 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Actua Soccer  Gremlin Graphics;Interplay1995 actuasports cdrom cpplanguage cpu-486 demo soccer sourcecodestolen "VR Soccer '96" (publ. by Interplay) is the only marginally different US version of the original "Actua Soccer". Also released in Germany as "Ran Soccer". One of the first soccer games featuring a full 3D-environment. labelimageminimize
Bert Higgins: The Man From H.E.L.L. Esoterica Software1998 2020s 21stcentury 3rdmillennium commercial cyborgprotagonist demo display-320x200 display-vga download exploration free future joystick keyboard keys license-proprietary licensechange naturalistic saveanywhere spu-awe32 spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro labelminimizeminimize
Break It WSP-Software1995 breakoutlike cpu-386 demo display-320x200 display-vga download joystick keyboard leveleditor limitedcontrollerchoice lives mouse mp-asymmetriccontrollers saveanywhere score spu-awe32 spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro labelminimizeminimize
Darghul Wolf Mittag1993 demo There's a remake for Windows in development, but as of now (2014) it has not yet been released. labelimageminimize
Holiday Lemmings  Psygnosis (DMA Design)1993 3.5disk 5.25disk cdrom christmas color-4bit color-8bit demo digging display-320x200 display-640x350 display-amstrad display-ega display-tga display-vga dos3 holiday lemmings pickaxe rescue savepassword spu-adlib spu-sb spu-tandy wintery Xmas Lemmings, released in 1991 (then re-released as a different version in 1992) is only a demo included 4 levels of Christmas Lemmings (or 2 levels of Christmas Lemmings + 2 levels of Oh No! More Lemmings for the 1991 version).
The full game was made available in 1993 as "Christmas Lemmings" in Europe and "Holiday Lemmings" in the US, then re-release in 1994 with two additional difficulty levels and two players option.
Iron Blood Microforum International (Family Production)1996 demo jumppack robotprotagonist robots unarmedfighting Minimum:
* MS DOS 4.0 or higher (works under Windows® 3.1 or Windows® 95 DOS prompt)
* 2× speed CD-ROM drive
* 386 CPU or better
* VGA card (640x480 colors)
* Sound Blaster

* 486DX/50 CPU
* accelerated SVGA video card
* 3× or 4× speed CD-ROM drive
* Joystick***You'll face a game playing challenge like nothing you've experienced before, as you battle your way through an unending army of bio-mechanical warriors, powered by nerves of steel, the strength of metal and Iron Blood.

It is the future. A group of scientists have discovered a way to manufacture mechanical parts in place of human organs and the realisation of decades of research has finally reached its fruition.

But scientists aren't the only group to recognize the potential of this powerful new bio-technology. In the quest for the ultimate man/machine combination, a struggle has developed between government forces and an evil criminal organization, who crave the technology to create a new generation of cybernetic warriors.

You are a law enforcement agent assigned to deal with threats to world security. Armed with a cybernetic "Bunker" robot, an arsenal of special attack moves and an array of devastating weapons, you must liberate the captured Organism Research Center and smash the crime syndicate, before the new technology falls into their hands.

It's up to you to protect and serve as dazzling sound and riveting effects bring all the mind-blowing, futuristic action to life. Unleash the fury of a devastating killing machine, as you clash in a flurry of mesmerizing visuals! Experience the feeling of scorched metal and smashed circuitry in non-stop, arcade style action!


* Fight your way through an array of challenging stages; from the inside of the top secret Organism Research Center, to the zero-gravity environment of a Space Station
* Scrolling futuristic environments set the stage for extreme warfare!
* Deadly lasers, cannons, smart bombs and an arsenal of powerful weapons deliver total carnage!
* Spell-binding action keeps the battle's momentum going from screen to screen
Ms. Astro Chicken: Flight of the Pullet Sierra On-Line1991 demo sci-engine scummvm labelminimizeminimize
Putty Squad System 31994 demo nonhumanprotagonist notpublished putty-series labelminimizeminimize
The Lost Adventures of Kroz Apogee1990 demo dosmzexecutable kroz-series licensechange pascal labelimageminimize
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss  Origin (Blue Sky Productions)1992 1life 3.5disk adv-undefined authoravatar automap axes bludgeons cdrom charactercreation containers cpu-386 demo doors doors-breakable dungeoncrawler falselyaccused floatingeyes freelook fromanotherworld genderchoice giantinsects goblins gog heroprotagonist immersivesim interactivedialogs inventory jumping knives luggage lutris magic magic-precast magic-sigils meleeweapons monsters mouse neutralmonsters neutralnpcs noinvpause serious shopping sorcery subterranean swords systemsdriven thrownweapons titularlocale trash uipointer ultima ultimauw unarmedfighting walking worms xp-undefined Historical note: This game was the first, first person 3D game (it preceded Wolfenstein 3D by two months). Also the engine is much more advanced than the Wolfenstein 3D engine was. Not just in the RPG elements but the 3D environment, dynamic lighting, curved surfaces, real bridges and tunnels, texture resolution and variation, and vertical variation in the terrain. However, the system requirements of UW are higher than Wolf 3D.