showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Phantasie III: The Wrath of Nikademus SSI (Westwood Studios)1988
Nahlakh Proudfoot Games1994[b]Minimum:[/b]
* 286 CPU
* VGA capable GPU
MechWarrior 2  Activision1995The year is 3037. A Struggle for power fuels a society of warring clans. Bitter infighting perpetuates a universe of unrest. War is constant. Victory is temporary. Cease-Fire us nonexistent. A pause in a stream of salvos is only a signal to re-calibrate crosshairs and redirect missiles. The time is scarce before the next unrelenting mission begins. For a MechWarrior, war is life. And death is the only true peace.***
MechWarrior 2: Ghost Bear's Legacy Activision1995 labelminimizeminimize
MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries  Activision1996 labelminimizeminimize
Chasm - The Rift Megamedia;GT Interactive (WizardWorks Software;Action Forms)1997[b]Minimum:[/b]
* MS-DOS 5.0
* 486 DX4-100 CPU
* 16 MB RAM
* 75 MB HD space

* Pentium CPU
* VESA GPU***Latest version: 1.04 (as of ?)***Chasm - The Rift is a Quake like game that had many features unseen untill it's release, yet fell short to games like Quake and Hexen 2. The engine is almost exact to Quake's, yet excedes it in being able to blow off your enemies arms and head, environmental effects like rain etc. However, it's lack of hardware acceleration (OpenGL etc) support seemed it's biggest shortcoming.
Iter Vehemens ad Necem  IvanDev2001Latest version: 0.50 (as of 2004-12-10) labelimageminimize