showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Space Rogue Origin Systems (Impression Software)1989 5.25disk beamweapons commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 darkspace display-cga display-ega display-mcga display-tga display-vga dos3 energyweapons fasttravel gog joystick keyboard license-proprietary mouse outlaws raiders space spacecraft spaceflight stacsim stranded trading
Daggerfall  Bethesda Softworks1996 1life achillesheelfoes adv-static allergies automap ballistics bleak books calendrictime caninoids carts causeway cdrom centaurs charactercreation characterflaws chosenone circadiancycle city clothing commercial compass concealeddoors controlconfig corpselooting cpu-486 cpu-586 customclass datedevents demons dialog-keywords difficulty disease display-vga doors dos6 download dragons dragons-western dungeoncrawler elderscrolls electrokinesis elevators enchanting energyregen falldamage fantasyworld fasttravel featherfall felinoids fictionaluniverse fines genderchoice ghosts giantanimals giantspiders gold guild harpies hitchance holstering humanoidanimals illequipped interactivedialogs inventory investigation itempickup-instant jewelry joystick jumping keyboard lawenforcers license-proprietary licensechange liches lockbreaking lockpicking lutris magic magicartefacts manaburn map-3d mapannotation mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons monsters mouse necromancers neutralnpcs nochildren nocrosshair nonlinear noports nudity nudity-featureless nymphs obsoletedassets openclassing openworld optionaltasks orcs outlanderprotagonist paperdoll persistentworld pointertoggle pyrokinesis racechoice randomchance rats rodents sauroids scavenging search secrets serious shapeshifters shapeshifting shopping skeletonkey skeletons smuggling sorcery souljar specieschoice spelldesigning spriggans spu-adlibgold spu-aria spu-awe32 spu-ensoniqsoundscape spu-gm spu-gus spu-iomagictempo spu-max spu-mpu-401 spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pas16 spu-pasp spu-pcspeaker spu-rap10 spu-revealfx32 spu-rsc spu-sb spu-sb16 spu-sbpro spu-soundgalaxynxpro16 spu-tandy spu-tb spu-toptekgolden16 spu-wavejammer spu-windowssoundsystem stealing superalloy swimming temple therianthropes titlementioned titularlocale tutorial twitch uipointer undead undeadmenace unknownpast unnecessarykilling vampires waiting walking wallclimbing werewolves xngine xp-literal The various demo various support sound hardware that the final version does not.***
* DOS 6.0
* 66 MHz 486DX2 CPU
* 8 MB RAM
* 50 MB HD space
* mouse

* 450 MB HD space

*Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster 16, AWE 32
* Pro Audio Spectrum
* Ensoniq Soundscape
* Gravis Ultrasound***2009-07-09 made temporarily available for free, on the 15th anniversary of the Elder Scrolls series.***Latest version: 1.07.213 (as of ?)***The control system for Daggerfall was surprisingly advanced for its time (in DOS game, anyway), I think. You could easily have mouse look in and practically use similar-ish control mechanism to what's in modern games (e.g. in Dark Messiah) to control which way or how you swung your weapons. The only difference was that instead of swinging in the direction you moved, it swung in the direction you dragged the mouse, which in effect prevented you from turning around with the mouse as long as you had the attack button pressed. The controls were also quite customizable, since you could easily configure them to resemble something similar to that time's control system. The game was also quite unique that you could scale any straight wall almost indefinitely, defying any laws of sensibility by dragging yourself across to heights that made no sense. Lack of this ability was one of the most disappointing factors in the sequels, I think (though I have to really blame the blatantly lighter mood of the other games for _really_ disappointing me.. honestly, the story description of both Morrowind and Oblivion is much darker, yet I feel like I'm playing in some kind of [[link: Teletubby]] land).***The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall is the second chapter in the highly acclaimed Elder Scrolls role-playing series. Its predecessor, TES: Arena, won over twenty Best Role Playing Game of the Year awards and set a new level for computer role plating. TES: Daggerfall is the most ambitious CRPG ever created and surpasses the high standard set in Arena.

Daggerfall offers you an opportunity to adventure in total freedom within a world where your destiny is of your own making and consequence evolves from your decisions. A world of love and darkness, magic and sorcery. Whether you choose to follow a quest or to venture out alone, you will interact with thousands of people as you travel across an expansive land in a time of fantasy and imagination.

* The largest world ever created for a computer role-playing game. Adventure through thousands of cities, villages, dungeons, graveyards, ruins, castles, shrines and farms.
* Interact with thousands of characters, both in dialogue and action.
* Involve yourself in a complex world of constantly evolving political intrigue.
* Own property and ships, participate in the politics of guilds and other organisations and trade goods and services.
* Customise your character or even create a unique character class.
* Participate in numerous large-scale, complex quests or venture off on your own.
* A multiple path story, with several different endings. You decide how the game is played and won.
[Box blurb]***Daggerfall is the sequel to Arena. The world is HUGE, with litterally thousands of NPC's, hundreds of towns and dungeons, and a nearly infinate number of choices that can be made. You can spend time on side quests, or attempt your main goal of saving Daggerfall from the spirit of it's dead king.