showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Grand Theft Auto  ? (DMA Design)1997Muy arcade en su sistema de puntuación, basada en choques y barrabasadas similares como si se tratase del Carmageddon, del estilo de juego del Driver pero con la diferencia de los imprescindible de bajarse del coche y del empleo extensivo de armas, peca de ser difícil de seguir las misiones e incluso imposibles si no vas bien equipado.

5 de 10***This formerly commercial game has been has been made available for free download [[link: here]]. However, it is not freeware
[[quote:PLEASE NOTE that while this game may be downloaded for free by all who register by filling out the form on this page, it is NOT freeware and may not be mirrored or duplicated by any third parties without express written consent]] -from the download site.
Grand Theft Auto - London 1969  Rockstar Games;Take-Two Interactive (DMA Design)1999 labelminimizeminimize