showing 26 - 66 of 66 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsauthor(s)
Aldo's Adventure author1987 endless instantdeath ladders lives nofalldamage Ben Ibach
Dave Ibach
Cave  author1987 caveflying instantdeath Axel Rogalski
Jens Siedekum
Leaper author1987 amphibianprotagonist animalprotagonist crocodiles deadlywater frog froggerlike instantdeath timelimit Lee Chapel
Spirits -1987 claiming ghosts instantdeath lives pacmanlike score B. Burrell
P. Carlin
S. Long
Hunchback FireBall Software1988 instantdeath lives score uvl-tiein labelimageminimize
Rockford: The Arcade Game Mastertronic;Melbourne House (Synergistic Software)1988 boulderdashlike claiming digging display-cga display-ega display-tga display-vga instantdeath spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy subterranean timelimit labelimagesubject
Solomon's Key U.S. Gold (Probe Software)1988 europeanfae ghosts instantdeath keys lives magic monsters nofalldamage npcspawning score secrets timelimit walking labelimageminimize
Uridium Mindscape (Graftgold)1988 instantdeath lives score scrollingshooter space labelimageminimize
Weird Dreams Rainbird1988 display-cga display-ega display-tga display-vga dreamworld harmfultouch instantdeath lives moaifigures nosaves search skywhales surreal David Whittaker
Herman Serrano
James Hutchby
Tony King
Aldo Again  author1989 instantdeath ladders lives nofalldamage Ben Ibach
Dave Ibach
Chuckie Egg Pick & Choose (Icon Design)1989 3.5disk 5.25disk birds claiming commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga display-ega display-tga dos3 instantdeath joystick keyboard ladders license-proprietary lives score spu-pcspeaker timelimit labelimageminimize
Pyramids of Egypt Softdisk (Capitol Ideas Software;Ideas From the Deep)1989 adventurerprotagonist claiming display-cga display-ega egyptian-theme grid grid-square harmfultouch instantdeath limitedsupplies lives npcspawning postmissionrestoration snakes thermalweapons walking John Romero
Thunder Blade  Sega;U.S. Gold1989 aerodyne bossbattles display-cga display-ega display-mcga display-tga display-vga helicopter helicopters instantdeath lives rotorcraft score scrollingshooter tanks unboundspeed labelimageminimize
Dangerous Dave Softdisk1990 dangerousdave deadlywater firearms instantdeath lives nofalldamage score spiders John Romero
Jumpjet Montsoft1990 instantdeath lives labelimageminimize
Mario Bros VGA  author1990 comicalaction crabs death endless instantdeath lives mario-universe nofalldamage score testudines Dave Sharpless
Megaboulder author1990 boulderdashlike claiming digging instantdeath score subterranean timelimit Richard Schabath
Push author1990 instantdeath lives score timelimit Patrick Urban
Sony Game Sony;Amigo! (Comad Computer Advertising)1990 advergame animateobjectprotagonist flipscreens instantdeath lives savepassword score shopping timelimit labelimageminimize
Space Miner Sights UnScene1990 instantdeath lives score space Ian Currie
TITANman author1990 claiming instantdeath lives pacmanlike score Henrik Hoxbroe
Pharaoh's Tomb  Apogee (Micro FX Software)1990 archeologistprotagonist download egyptian-theme instantdeath licensechange lives nofalldamage platformer score uvl-techlimitation George Broussard [misspelled George Broussad] (coding)
George Broussard [misspelled George Broussad] (design)
Crazy Sue Dencker-Barile1991 femaleprotagonist instantdeath lives magazinecover nofalldamage score timelimit G. Droschl
Horror Zombies from the Crypt Millennium Interactive (Astral Software)1991 aircontrol harmfultouch instantdeath juggernauts keys ladders lives mansion rats retrypoints skeletons spu-pcspeaker subterranean thrownweapons undead vampires walking zombies labelimageminimize
Laby Dominik Schuierer1991 instantdeath leveleditor lives labelimageminimize
VGA-BoulderStar author1991 boulderdashlike claiming digging instantdeath lives score timelimit Frank Horn
Lars Schenk
Paganitzu Apogee Software (Trilobyte)1991 archeologistprotagonist display-cga display-ega instantdeath keys lives snakes spiders Keith Schuler
Another World  Interplay (Delphine Software)1992 1life aimdirlimit alienplanet aliens anotherworld cave chargingweapons cinematicplatformer controllablehelplessness deathtraps descriptivedeaths displacementfiction display-ega display-tga display-vga dodgechance elevators elevators-multifloor energyweapons escape flatshading fromanotherworld gore instantdeath jumping lifelikemotion lutris multitools noaircontrol nohud prison rotoscoping savepassword scientistprotagonist screenshake serious sessilecreatures stranded tentaclecreatures titularlocale walking Eric Chahi
Aquaphobia Softdisk Publishing1992 asphyxiation bossbattles fallbackweapon harmfultouch instantdeath lives sharks underwater underwaterdiving labelimageminimize
Dot Valley Düsi Computer Software1992 boulderdashlike digging instantdeath labelimageminimize
Dyna Blaster  Ubi Soft1992 3ormoreplayers bomberman bombs chainreactions controlconfig did harmfultouch instantdeath joystick lives rescue savepassword score timelimit labelimagesubject
SDI2040  East Wing Software1992 fixedshooter instantdeath lives score labelimageminimize
Willi's Maze BHV Verlag (Comad)1992 advergame claiming instantdeath lives pacmanlike score labelimageminimize
The Legend of Kyrandia  Virgin (Westwood)1992 1life 3.5disk 5.25disk aristocratprotagonist autosavepoints beach capacity-slots cdrom chasms clickadventure cliff commercial cpu-386 cpu-8086 cpu-8088 crystals deadends deathpits display-mcga display-vga doors dos3 dos5 eob-engine falsehints flipscreens forest gems humans inaccurateinfo indoors instantdeath interactivetriggers inventory keyboard kyrandia lamp license-proprietary limitedcapacity lutris magic maleprotagonist medieval medievalfantasy monsters mouse mystics noninstantdeath noscore obsoletedassets outdoors potions saveanywhere scrolls scummvm solomission sorcery spu-adlib spu-adlibgold spu-mt32 spu-pas spu-pcspeaker spu-sb spu-sbpro spu-tandy subterranean toxins traproom traps trash uncooperativeprotagonist unlimitedsaves walking walkingsimulator willowisps labelimageminimize
Little Willy M.B. Soft (Dimension 16)1993 3.5disk babyprotagonist color-4bit did display-320x200 display-ega instantdeath keyboard lives platformer score spu-pcspeaker labelminimizeminimize
Magic Boy Entertainment International UK;Empire (Blue Turtle Production)1993 childprotagonist display-ega display-tga display-vga instantdeath magic nofalldamage spu-adlib spu-pcspeaker spu-sb labelimageminimize
Project-X  Psygnosis (Team17)1994 ♫1812overture instantdeath labelimageminimize
Raiden Acer (Imagitec Design)1994 bossbattles difficulty energyweapons feelies homingmissiles instantdeath instantretry lives raiden scrollingshooter smartbomb Steve Cullen (programmer)
Tubular Worlds Dongleware (Creative Game Design)1994 3.5disk cpu-286 instantdeath joystick keyboard mouse labelimageminimize
Manic Miner Alchemist Research1997 ♫mountainking asphyxiation claiming disappearingplatforms falldamage free2play harmfultouch instantdeath license-proprietary lives score subterranean timelimit uvl-confusable walking willyminer labelminimizeminimize
Paku Paku Paladin Systems2011 apples bananas cherries color-4bit cpu-8088 display-1024x768 display-160x100 display-cga display-ega display-mcga display-tga display-vga instantdeath lives maleprotagonist pacmanlike score spu-adlib spu-gameblaster spu-mt32 spu-pcspeaker spu-tandy Jason M. Knight (author)
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