showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
The Bard's Quest: Dungeons of the Unknown  VisionSoft1994[i]The Bards Quest I: The Legend of Isil Thania[/i] was a freely redistributable demo "shareware", that advertised parts 2 and 3 (registered/full versions). However, [i]Legend of Isil Thania[/i] was nearly identical to [i]The Star Light Festival[/i] which was the sample game that was included with [i]The Bard's Tale Construction Set[/i]. This [i]might[/i] have been a violation of the licensing agreement for the Construction Set (Interplay did nothing against the game regardless). Many fan complained of plagiarism.

The Bard's Quest II: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (registered episode available individually)

The Bard's Quest III: Dungeons of Darkness (registered episode available individually)