showing 16 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeardescription
Alter Ego Activision (Activision;Kerry Shetline Software)1986 labelimageminimize
Down Life's Road author1988 labelimageminimize
LebensWeg author1992 labelimageminimize
The Voting Game  author1985Also released on Softdisk's "Big Blue Disk #4".***A variant of Conway's Life that explores the fickle nature of voters. They chose to vote yea or nay on a ballot but change their minds based on affinity with their neighbors and peer-pressure. labelimagesubject
Pride and Prejudice Baen Software1985 labelimageminimize
Designasaurus Britannica Software (DesignWare)1988 labelimageminimize
Princess Maker  Gainax1991 labelminimizeminimize
Princess Maker 2  Gainax1994 labelimageminimize
SimAnt  Maxis1991Experience life as an ant: fight for queen and colony, face hungry spiders and menacing hordes of enemy ants, eat yummy caterpillars, and drive those yucky humans out of the house! Based on real ants, SimAnt has the depth of play and serious gaming challenge to really drive you buggy.

SimAnt is about the closest you'll get to being an ant without growing more legs, removing your brain and living in a hole in the ground.***
[52]***Based on real ant biology and behavior, SimAnt lets you experience life as an ant: Defend your home from deadly predators; Face menacing hordes of enemy ants; Invade the homes of humans; Endure the dangers of insecticide poisoning; Fight for queen and colony; Reproduce to make more ants.
SimEarth: The Living Planet Maxis1990Reviewed on a special folder about "god games".
[37]***Take charge of an entire planet from its birth until its death--10 billion years later. Guide life from its inception as single-celled microbes to a civilization that can reach for the stars. Inspired by James Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis, SimEarth simulates the Earth as a single living organism.
SimLife Maxis1992 labelimageminimize
Unnatural Selection Maxis1994 labelminimizeminimize
El-Fish Maxis;Mindscape (Animatek)1993 labelimageminimize
Lion Sanctuary Woods (Manley & Associates)1995 labelminimizeminimize
Wolf Sanctuary Woods (Manley & Associates)1994 labelimageminimize
Jones in the Fast Lane Sierra On-Line1991Jones in the Fast Lane is a simulation of a person's life, presented as a turn-based strategy game. You can play by yourself, or compete with other human players or the computer-controlled Jones. At the beginning of the game you determine what your goals are, in four categories - Money, Happiness, Education and Career: the higher your goals, the longer the game.

The game itself is presented as something akin to a board game. The board represents the city where you live. Each turn (here, a turn represents a week of your life) you have limited time to act, and you have to choose how to spend it. Walking somewhere else costs you time, as well as working, learning, and looking for a job.

The first thing you should do is looking for a job at an employment center. Since initially you have no education, experience or work history, you can only choose the simplest, lowest-paying jobs - such as a janitor or a cook. Later on, as you enroll into various courses at an university, you'll get smart enough to get the high-ranking jobs. But remember that some jobs require you to buy and wear expensive clothes.

Work isn't mandatory, and you can dedicate time to working whenever you feel like it. The money you get can be spent in many ways. You can buy a snack at a fast food restaurant (you should eat something each week, or next week you'll have less time due to hunger). You can buy some appliances for your house, lottery tickets, newspapers and more. You can also store your money in the bank (a wise choice, considering the ubiquity of pickpockets) or invest into stock market. Remember that you have to pay rent for your house - if you don't pay for a long time, your landlord will garnish some amount from the money you earn at work. But if you get enough cash, you can rent a luxury apartment and move out of the stinky hole inside which you've been spending your life earlier!***
[33]***A slightly enhanced CD-ROM version of this game with additional animations and CD-quality music was released in 1992.***