showing 12 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Castle Wolfenstein  Muse Software1984action/reflex Historical labelimageminimize
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein  Muse Software1985action/reflex Historical labelimageminimize
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients Mindscape (Angelsoft)1987adventure labelimageminimize
Rocket Ranger Cinemaware1988action/reflex strategy Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis  LucasArts (Attention to Detail Limited)1992action/reflex adventure labelminimizeminimize
Wolfenstein 3D  Apogee;Activision;GT Interactive (id Software)1992Historical shooter labelimagesubject
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis LucasArts1992adventure labelimageminimize
Spear of Destiny  Apogee Software;Psygnosis;FormGen (id Software)1992action/reflex maze shooter labelimagesubject
Kronolog: The Nazi Paradox  Merit Software (Castleworks Gameware)1994adventure labelimageminimize
Spear Of Destiny: Mission 2: Return to Danger  FormGen1994action/reflex maze shooter labelimagesubject
Spear Of Destiny: Mission 3: Ultimate Challenge  FormGen1994action/reflex maze shooter labelimagesubject
Prisoner of Ice  Infogrames (Chaosium)1995adventure Horror labelimagesubject