showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness  Origin1987 4thwallbroken amoeboids castle chiroptera cyclopes display-cga display-ega display-tga eviloverlord forest fromanotherworld gelatinouscubes gog illequipped medieval meleeweapons noasin orcs rats riding scummvm-wip shopping skeletons swords treants ultima ultimaageofdarkness undead watercraft-large xp-kills MSRP: $39.95

As the story goes, the wizard Mondain was intent on world domination. Over 1,000 years ago, he created the gem of immortality and granted him invincibility. Mondain is evil. The gem of immortality is evil. These are indisputable facts because it says to in the playbook. However, you won't be seeing Mondain doing anything evil in the present world and time. The player controls a stranger from another world (Earth) come to the land Sosaria to save it and its people from Mondain. The fact that Mondain is immortal and invincibility makes this a difficult task. So the stranger will travel back in time to kill Mondain before he creates his gem.

A remake of the first game in the The Age of Darkness trilogy from the Ultima series of games. Origin rewrote the original Ultima in assembly language and updated the graphics. Some minor changes to place and people names were also made. The game did not have the "Age of Darkness" title, it was just plain "Ultima I". But a book was includes with the title "The First Age of Darkness".

In the box for this version was the 5.25" disk and copy of the game on a 3.5" disk, The First Age of Darkness book, player reference card, four cardboard maps, and a cloth bag of coins, 1 gold, 3 silver, 1 copper (not the real minerals). This version was published by Origin themselves.