showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Pango  author1983 labelimageminimize
Titus Classiques Volume 2  Titus1987 labelimageminimize
Freezer Frenzy Mushroom Magic Software1989Slide Pengy around the screen pushing the blocks of ice around the screen to squash the evil Spongs. If Pengy electrifies a wall (by sliding into it) he will paralyse any Spong touching it making the nasty little jelly fellow harmless and squashable with only a carefully placed flipper. Bonus points can be gained for lining the crates of frozen food up in a horizontal or vertical row (10000 if none of the blocks touch a wall and 5000 otherwise). 25 bonus points are also awarded for each block of ice left in the freezer when all the Spongs are dead. labelimagesubject
Kwik Snax  Codemasters1993 labelimageminimize