showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardplayer optsdescription
Computer Canasta Small Business Software1984single player labelimageminimize
Gin! Pontefract Systems1985single player labelimageminimize
Tommy's Gin Rummy Tommy's Toys1987single player labelimageminimize
Cribbage King & Gin King The Software Toolworks1989single player labelimageminimize
Gin Rummy Challenge author1989single player labelimageminimize
House of Cards Virgin Games1989single player labelimageminimize
Hoyle: Official Book of Games - Volume 1 Sierra On-Line1989single player
[1]***Hoyle Official Book of Games
[52]***Includes the classical card games "Cribbage", "Crazy Eights", "Gin Rummy", "Hearts", "Old Maid", "Klondike Solitaire"

If you know other Sierra games, you will surely enjoy the variety of your possible opponents, including King Graham and Rosella (Kings Quest), Roger Wilco (Space Quest) and Sonny Bonds (Police Quest).
Basic Rummy author1990single player labelimageminimize
Rummikub author1990single player labelimageminimize