showing 4 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
COPS 2170: The Power of Law Strategy First;DreamCatcher Europe;Game Factory Interactive (MiST Land South)2004 1life 2170s 22ndcentury adv-undefined aspectratio-4-3 assaultrifles cdrom city control-individuals cpu-pentium3 cyborgs deadends directx9 display-800x600 energyweapons extraterrestrial femaleprotagonist firearms friendlyfire future giantanimals grenades grid grid-hex group hexapeds inventory lawenforcerprotagonist mars mediaindrive morale murinoids mutants noports racism-speciesism rating-esrb-t rebellion robots saveanywhere serious spacefaringage subterranean subway tactical tacticalrpg tga turnbasedcombat vorbis walking win2k win98 winxp xp-undefined [b]morale[/b] — units start panicking if enough many of their friends get killed and/or they get sufficiently wounded, effects usually involve running around and shouting for help/mercy while others go into berserk and start shooting everywhere, often killing their own friends rather than enemies in the process.***Latest version: 1.22 (as of 2005-02-21?)

The patch can't be applied on XP64 for some reason (and possibly any other similarly recent Windows OS), but the game can be temporarily installed on a virtual machine, patched there and the files copied back to the host OS over the installation there and the game will work without any issues.***Comes on 2 CDs.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP
* 800 MHz Pentium III or Athlon CPU
* 128 MB RAM
* 32 MB VRAM
* 700 MB HD space
* 4X CD-ROM drive

* 2 GHz Pentium IV or Athlon CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
Front Mission Evolved  Square Enix;Ubisoft (Double Helix Games)2010 2170s 22ndcentury antarctica antivillain arcade aspectratio-16-9 assaultrifles bossbattles cinematicinconsistencies city city-newyork-ny damageindicator difficulty directx9 dodging earth enemyhealthdisplay equipment-preselect fofindicator frontmission future genrechange giantrobots grenadelaunchers grenades guidedweapons healthpickups industrial-setting ingamecinematics island itemglow itempickup-auto jumping letterbox locationaldamage locationalhealth machineguns maidenvoyage maleprotagonist mecha megastructure mp-control mp-dm mp-teams nofriendlyfire northamerica nvidia3dvision objectiveindicator overheating paidkilling precisionrifles radar rage rating-cero-c rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-16 recurringopponent rockets rotaryguns safeweapons screenshake secrets sequence-timed sequence-turret serialkey shotguns skating slowmotion spacestation spiderbots stamina steampowered steamworks tunnels tutorial vehiclecustomization visualizedtrajectory walker walkers walking war wasteland wintery winvista winxp Broken multiplayer and poor story, gameplay is good but not so much as to redeem the game.***[b]DLC packs:[/b]
* Last Stand (adds survival mode)
* Map Pack (adds 2 multiplayer maps)
* Wanzer Pack 2 (adds 2 wanzers)
* Wanzer Pack 3 (adds 2 wanzers)
* Weapon Pack 2 (adds 3 weapons)
Gemini Wars Camel 101;Iceberg Interactive (Camel 101)2012 2170s 22ndcentury cinematiccamera extraterrestrial future indie space steampowered war Gemini Wars is a real time strategy game set in space, where the player controls fleets of ships, space stations and planetary
The game takes place in the year 2178, in the Gemini sector – a contested but relatively calm region of space.

An ongoing war between two factions - United Space Federation and Alliance of Free Worlds - has reached a stalemate,
until new events unravel...

Action can be fought in one single star system, or in multiple star systems – each with its own set of planets - where traveling is
done through stargates.

Players will have the power to attack and destroy enemy fleets and structures, colonize and invade planets, build outposts and
orbital stations, and execute boarding actions using marine special forces.

▪ 3 different factions
▪ Epic 16 mission single player campaign
▪ Control ships, space stations and planetary bases
▪ Research tree leading to powerful units and upgrades
▪ Cinematic battle camera
▪ Unique gameplay providing a refreshing twist to the RTS genre
▪ Planetary colonization and invasion
▪ Boarding actions
▪ Multiple star system action
▪ CGI cinematics during the campaign
▪ Achievements
▪ Over 1 hour of professional voice acting***[media=youtube]fDBI0kk87wE[/media]
Red Faction: Armageddon  THQ;Syfy Games (Volition)2011 2170s 22ndcentury achievements achievements-public aimmode aliens arid aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 assaultrifles autosavepoints beamweapons bink biogrowth bludgeons bossbattles capacity-slots cloakednpcs clothingchanges compass counselor crystals cultists dark-limited diaries difficulty directx10 directx11 directx9 disintegrators distortedvision dodging electricweapons elevators eviloverlord explosiveobjects explosives-sticky extraterrestrial falseending future gameprogress geomod-engine glowingeyes grenadelaunchers guidedweapons handguns havokphysics healthregen healthregen-fast insectoids jumping ladders lamp lava limitedcapacity marketfailure mars martians mercenaryprotagonist minibosses mode-survival mode-undefined movie mp-cooperative mp-survival nanotechnology newgameplus npcgenerators objectiveindicator pandorasbox plasmaweapons precisionrifles prison prologue quake radar rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 redfaction reload-manual remotedetonators repulsion rockets screenshake sequence-defend sequence-vehicle serieschange shadermodel3 shadermodel4 shotguns singularitydevices spacefaringage ssao steampowered steamworks subterranean temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures timeskip titulargroup upgradesystem volcanic walker walkers walking wastedeffort wasteland winvista winxp wwise Un juego de acción con un especial énfasis en la destrucción del entorno.

Aunque peca de ser mucho más lineal que el anterior juego (Red Faction Guerrilla), presenta una historia principal mucho más pulida.

Bastante bueno, aunque se hecha de menos el estilo sandox del Guerrilla.
Por otra parte tanto los escenarios como las formas diversas de destruirlos y reconstruirlos (esto último es nuevo en esta entrega) hacen repetir escenarios más divertido que nunca.

6 de 10***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP, [Vista,] or 7
* 2 GHz dual-core CPU
* 2 GB RAM
* 320 MB VRAM
* GeForce 88xx or Radeon HD30xx GPU
* 7.5 GB HD space

* Any quad-core or 3 GHz dual-core CPU
* 4 GB RAM
* GeForce GTX 400 series or Radeon HD5000 series GPU***Half a century after the Red Faction resistance and their Marauder allies freed Mars from the brutal Earth Defense Force, harmony on Mars is again threatened but this time by a lethal force shrouded in mystery.

When the massive Terraformer that supplies Mars with its Earth-like air and weather is destroyed, the atmosphere turns to chaos, super-tornados and lightning storms engulf the planet. To survive, the Colonists flee to the underground mines and build a network of habitable caves.

Five years later, Darius Mason, grandson of Martian Revolution heroes Alec Mason and Samanya, runs a lucrative business from Bastion, underground hub of Colonist activity. Mining, scavenging, mercenary work--if the job is dangerous, Darius is your man. Few sane people now venture to the ravaged surface, aside from contractors like Darius and the smugglers who run goods between the settlements.

When Darius is tricked into reopening a mysterious shaft in an old Marauder temple, he releases a long-dormant evil and unleashes Armageddon on Mars. As Colonist and Marauder settlements are torn asunder, only Darius and the Red Faction can save mankind. The battle will take them across the storm-blasted planet--and below it, to the very heart of the unspeakable threat.

Red Faction®: Armageddon™ expands on the critically acclaimed, best-selling franchise with new, groundbreaking challenges. You are humanity’s last hope for survival.

Key features:
* Infestation Mode – Survive waves of enemy hordes in a 1-4 player cooperative, objective-based experience.
* Ruin Mode – Master the tools of destruction in competitive and casual destruction-based modes.
* Hell on Mars – Darius Mason can only watch as the surface of Mars is destroyed. Seeking solace underground, an even greater threat emerges against humanity.
* Nano Forge – Unleash the devastating force of the Nano Forge with massive concussive blasts or reconstruct downed colonist defences with Geo-Mod 2.0.
* Martian Underground – The truth behind an ancient evil will force Darius to wage a battle across the devastated Martian surface, beneath massive frozen glaciers, and over rivers of broiling magma.