showing 3 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Lichdom: Battlemage  Xaviant2014 abilitycriticals actionadventure actionrpg amdtrueaudio astoundsound autoaim blocking bossbattles bossmeter chargedabilities chargedattack chosenone city combatautoloot comboactions crafting cryengine3 cryokinesis cultists damageinfo dashing deadlywater deathpenalty depthoffield derelictgraveyard directx10 directx11 display-1080p distortedvision electrokinesis encounters-popup energyshields equipmentbased eviloverlord explodingcriticals forcefields fovoption freezing genderchoice gibs healthregen healthregen-stunted indie itempickup-auto itempickup-global limitlessenergy loot-random magic monsters motionblur mountain mysticprotagonist newgameplus nocooldowns noinvpause nomodalpause overkill pyrokinesis quake revenge ruins safepowers screenshake secrets segmentedhealth simplygon skeletons slowmotion sorcery spelldesigning splatter statuseffects steampowered stunning timedblockattacks town tressfx tutorial tutorial-noninteractive undead uvl-workingtitle wasteland waterfalls wilderness wintery wwise labelimageminimize
Murdered: Soul Suspect Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Airtight Games)2014 amdtrueaudio apartmentbuilding backstabbing cemetery city city-salem-ma contemporaryfantasy crimefiction defenseless detectivemystery diaries directx11 earth eqaa femaleantagonist fxaa ghosts hdao hiding humblestore insaneasylum investigatorprotagonist lostsouls mansion massachusetts mediums mindreading monsters motionblur msaa museum northamerica paranormal possession predefinedcontrols rating-pegi-18 ruins smokes soundcues spectralprotagonist spectres ssao stealth stealth-sight steampowered teleporting temple unknownpast usa x86-64 HE HARDEST MURDER TO SOLVE IS YOUR OWN.

Murdered: Soul Suspect is a supernatural detective thriller which challenges players to solve possibly the hardest case of all... their own murder.

When Ronan O’Connor, a detective with a chequered past, gets caught up in a violent burglary, his life is brought to an untimely end by a brutal and relentless killer.

Shocked to find himself in the afterlife, his only escape from the limbo world of ‘Dusk’ is to uncover the truth behind his killer, track him down and bring him to justice using his detective instinct and new-found supernatural abilities.

As Ronan, you have the freedom to explore the modern-day town of Salem: its New England-style wooden houses, narrow streets, gothic churches and mental asylum for clues. Battle demonic spirits to save your soul and uncover the shocking revelations about who is responsible for your death.
[Steam Store]***Una aventura gráfica de carácter noir/policiaco, donde debes encontrar todas las pistas para resolver diversos casos e inferir muchas veces soluciones en ausencia de ellas, con un énfasis en la exploración que resulta muy gratificante.

Tiene además algunas fases de sigilo sencillas que le dan un poco de variedad, y pequeños elementos como el leer pensamientos o el poseer felinos confieren al juego un encanto único.

8 de 10
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014 airducts alarmers amdtrueaudio animals autosavepoints autumnal backstabbing bank beggars bioluminescence blindcreatures bludgeons bookends bossbattles bows brothel castle chapterreplay city clandestine cleargame clockpunk collectibles compass controlconfig dashing depthoffield difficulty difficulty-aspects directx11 distracting dodging doorpeep doors drugs dustmotes dystopian eavesdropping elevators eliteprotagonist energyitems factory falldamage formervaporware fovoption fragileprotagonist fullbodyawareness fxaa gpuasynccompute haunting healingitems hiding house hud-dynamic humanoids humblestore inbuilttraps indicator-visibility ingamecinematics insaneasylum island itemglow itempickup-normal jumping keycodes ladders launcher leaning levelhub lightdousing limitedshopstock limitedsupplies lockpicking lockpicking-feedback lostcity magic magic-rare mansion mantleapi medieval minimap noenergyregen nonlethalelimination npcworldchangeawareness nudity objectiveindicator optionaltasks outbreak outlawprotagonist outlaws physx pickpocketing pressureplates prologue prostitutes rating-pegi-18 rebellion reboot recycledtitle rooftops ruins safeledges saveanywhere secondaryantagonist secrets sequence-escape shopping ssaa ssao stamina stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-other stealth-sight stealth-sound stealthgame steampowered steamworks stereoscopic stungrenades stunning stunprods subterranean temple thief-series thiefprotagonist timeskip tower trapdisarming unrealengine3 uvl-confusable uvl-workingtitle visions walking weirdvision wwise x86 x86-32 x86-64 zoom 2008 rumors, quickly becoming considered vaporware
2009-05-11 officially announced
2011 unofficially projected release
2013 more news appeared, suggesting either near future cancellation, on hold, or refactoring of the project