showing 13 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardlanguage
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat Mindscape1995enlabelimageminimize
Warhammer: Dark Omen Electronic Arts (Mindscape)1998enlabelimageminimize
Age of Mythology  Microsoft Game Studios (Ensemble Studios)2002en, delabelimagesubject
Age of Mythology: The Titans  Microsoft (Ensemble Studios)2003en, delabelimageminimize
Imperial Glory Feral Interactive (Pyro Studios)2005enlabelimageminimize
Age of Empires III  Microsoft (Ensemble Studios)2005enlabelimagesubject
8 Kingdoms 8K Team2006cz, en, fi, frlabelimageminimize
Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs  Microsoft Game Studios (Ensemble Studios)2006enlabelimageminimize
Warhammer – Mark of Chaos  Deep Silver;Namco Bandai Games (Black Hole Entertainment;Digic Pictures)2006enlabelimagesubject
Dreamlords Resurrection  LockPick Entertainment2008enlabelimageminimize
Mosby's Confederacy Tilted Mill Entertainment2008enlabelimageminimize
Empire: Total War Sega (The Creative Assembly)2009enlabelimagesubject
Real Warfare 1242  1C Company (Unicorn Games Studio)2010enlabelimageminimize