showing 11 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Hercules  Disney Interactive (Eurocom)1997 bonusstages bossbattles centauroids centaurs chargedattack color-8bit disappearingplatforms disney display-320x240 fauns forest godlingprotagonist grecoroman grecoromanmythology harmfultouch healthpickups heracles hydrae ledges lighthearted lives magic meleeweapons movie polycephalids rating-esrb-e savepassword secrets shallowwater sorcery superstrength swords title-animated titularcharacter unarmedfighting walking warriorprotagonist win95 labelimageminimize
Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus Interplay (Quicksilver Software)2000 actionrpg automap cdrom centauroids centaurs classbased download fogofwar formations gog grecoroman grecoromanmythology group heroprotagonist inventory limitedcapacity magic minimap monsters multiprotagonists noports outlaws premadecharacters raiders saveanywhere serious shopping skeletons sorcery summoning tutorial undead unknownpast warriorprotagonist labelimageminimize
Age of Mythology  Microsoft Game Studios (Ensemble Studios)2002 3plusfactions 4ormoreresources antiquity asymmetricfactions atlantis avianoids aybabtu bangengine basebuilding birds cavalry centaurs cervids crocodiles crocodilians cyclopes damagetypes deities divinemenace drm egyptian-theme egyptianmythology elephants fantasticearth giantbeetles giants giantsnakes giantwolves giraffes grecoroman grecoromanmythology hippo hydrae infantry kraken leveleditor lutris manticores matchmakingrating minotaurs monsters mummies naga norsemythology pegasus phoenixes realtimestrategy resourceharvesting rhinoceroses safedisc siegetowers siegeweapons swordandsandal trolls warfare-land warfare-sea wildlife wolves workers worldcybergames labelimagesubject
Heroes of Might and Magic IV  3DO (New World Computing)2002 3plusfactions 4ormoreresources absoluterulership asymmetricfactions centaurs combatmode control-groups dragons dragons-western druids enroth floatingeyes grid grid-square homm hydrae infiniteresources jinn magic mightandmagic moaifigures mp-ffa mp-lms mystics necromancers persistentminions polycephalids serious tactical unitstacks uvl-imagequality war wargame labelimageminimize
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne  Blizzard2003 3plusfactions ambientcreatures asymmetricfactions autocast basebuilding builders cdrom centauroids centaurs control-individuals demons directx8 disproportionalworld elites elves finiteresources giantshoulderpads glowingeyes grouping harvesters highfantasy infantry insectoids interspecificconflict leveleditor license-crossplatform lutris magic micromanagement missionbased monstergirls monsters mp-ffa mp-lms mp-teams mystics naga nostructurefacing npcstrife orcs paladins plantcreatures rating-bbfc-12 rating-esrb-t resourceharvesting selfupdate structurerelocation stylized transformingpresence undead unhealthyundead unrootedplants upgrades-transient upgradesystem voiceovers war warcraft wargame win2k win98 wintery winxp worldcybergames labelimageminimize
Age of Mythology: The Titans  Microsoft (Ensemble Studios)2003 3plusfactions 4ormoreresources antiquity asymmetricfactions atlantis avianoids bangengine basebuilding birds cavalry centaurs cervids colossi crocodiles crocodilians cyclopes damagetypes deities divinemenace drm egyptianmythology elephants fantasticearth giantbeetles giants giantsnakes giantwolves giraffes grecoromanmythology hippo hydrae infantry kraken lutris manticores matchmakingrating minotaurs monsters mummies naga norsemythology pegasus phoenixes realtimestrategy resourceharvesting rhinoceroses safedisc siegeweapons transformingpresence trolls warfare-land warfare-sea wildlife wolves workers labelimageminimize
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe Buena Vista Games (Traveller's Tales)2005 beavers book cdrom centaurs childprotagonist cyclopes fauns flatworld lions lutris minotaurs movie narnia parallelworld rodents werewolves wolves labelimageminimize
Titan Quest  THQ (Iron Lore Entertainment)2006 abilitycooldown abilityranks actionrpg adv-ptdistr adv-static ancientenemy animals antiquity attrbasedeq auras axes bloodless bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows caninoids capacity-slots caprinoids cave cemetery centauroids centaurs china circadiancycle city clanguage classbased crete dark-limited deathpenalty demo demons diablolike directx9 divineabsence divinemenace drm dungeon egypt egyptian-theme egyptianmythology electrokinesis elitemobs encounters-popup energyitems energyregen energyupkeep eviloverlord fasttravel-points fauns felinoids forest genderchoice ghosts giantbeetles gianthumanoids giantspiders grecoroman grecoromanmythology greece havokphysics healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow heroprotagonist ichthyoids inertscenery inexplicableinvolvement insectoids inventory island itemgenerator itemglow itemglow-manual itempickup-instant itemsets levelbasedeq limitedcapacity lootemup lutris magic magic-instant mediaindrive meleeweapons mesopotamian-theme milessound minotaurs mountain mp-campaign mp-cooperative multiclassing murinoids mystics naga namelessprotagonist neutralnpcs noports npcspawning optionaltasks paperdoll pathengine plantcreatures polearms potions premadeprotagonist protohumans pyrokinesis quicksets ragdollphysics recallportal refugees req-swapfile respec restorativegluttony sauroids seamlessworld securom7 seers selfluminance selfupdate serialkey shadermodel1 shallowwater shopping shore sorcery stash stash-shared summery summoning swordandsandal swords tasktracker titanquest-engine titanquest-series title-animated town undead universallanguage unknownpast walking warriorprotagonist wastedeffort widescreen willowisps wintery worms xp-deeds xp-kills labelimagesubject
Tomb Raider: Anniversary  Eidos Interactive (Crystal Dynamics;Buzz Monkey Software)2007 1990s 20thcentury acrobatics actionadventure africa ammomagazines archeologistprotagonist aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 atlantis balkans centauroids centaurs crazedanimals crystalengine demo dinosaurs directx9 download drm egypt europe fallbackweapon fanservice femaleantagonist femaleprotagonist firearms grapplinghook greece handguns horizontalbars inbuilttraps jumping ledges lutris mutants oopitems past peru puzzlebosses quicktimeevent reboot ropeswinging ruins runningcommentary savepoints sciencefantasy securom7 shadermodel2 simulacrums southamerica steampowered subterranean swimming titularcharacter tombraider tombraider-2nd tutorial unlockable-costumes walking widescreen win2k winvista winxp labelimagesubject
Darkfall  Aventurine2009 caninoids centauroids centaurs classless darkfallagon demons dragons dwarves elves gianthumanoids giantinsects goblins healthregen home humanoidanimals karma medieval meleeweapons minotaurs mmog monsters openworld orcs pvp pvpfocus rp-levelless sandbox sauroids skeletons treants undead undirected weefolk zombies labelimageminimize
Shining Force II  Sega (Sonic Software Planning)2011 avianoids axes ballistae bludgeons bows centaurs chiroptera classbased classbasedeq collapsingstructure containers counselor crossbows deathpenalty demonicinvasion demons difficulty dragons dragons-western dwarves elves falseending gargoyles giantbirds giantworms grid grid-square group healingitems humanoidanimals inventory levelbasedeq magic meleeweapons minotaurs monsters nazcalines phoenixes polearms possessed rating-esrb-e rats recallportal robots sauroids screenshake shining-series shopping skeletons spears statuseffects steampowered summoning swords tactical tacticalrpg undead unlockable-characters unlockable-difficulty weefolk werewolves wyverns xp-kills zombies labelimagesubject