showing 1 - 50 of 204 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
CaveExpress CaveProductions? commercial desura dinosaurs download earth humans leveleditor licensechange past physics prehistoric-theme walking labelminimizeminimize
Three Dead Zed Gentleman Squid Studio? commercial desura download handdrawn license-proprietary nodemo undead zombies labelminimizeminimize
Postal Ripcord Games (Running With Scissors)1997 1990s alone antiheroprotagonist blankprotagonist bleak civilianprotagonist dementia desura fallbackweapon finishingmoves firearms gore insaneprotagonist itemglow keyboard latemodernperiod malevolentprotagonist massmurder missionbased mouse noingameintro outdoors postal present rampage rockets serious shotguns singlecontroller splatter steampowered unknownpast unrestrictedviolence uvl-missingimages walking labelimagesubject
BOH author1999 automap bossbattles boxed cdrom commercial dark deadends deathpits demo desura difficulty directionalforce disappearingplatforms display-320x240 doors download endlessopposition fieldofvision harmfultouch healthpickups indie keys langnorse lasersight lineofsight minimap missionreset onewaypassages retro sdl suicideattackers traps tutorial undefinedelements unlimitedammo variablevisuals vorbis walking x86 labelimagesubject
Dominions II: the Ascension Wars Shrapnel Games (Illwinter Game Design)2003 4xstrategy desura dominions-series godlingprotagonist magic opengl labelminimizeminimize
GundeadliGne Platine Dispositif;Rockin' Android (Platine Dispositif)2004 desura gundemonium-series steampowered labelimageminimize
Hitogata Happa Platine Dispositif;Rockin' Android (Platine Dispositif)2005 desura gundemonium-series steampowered labelminimizeminimize
Postal²: Share The Pain  Whiptail Interactive (Running With Scissors)2005 antiheroprotagonist arizona civilianprotagonist cruelty-potential desura excretion firstpersonshooter insaneprotagonist malevolentprotagonist neutralnpcs northamerica postal rating-esrb-m terrorists town unrestrictedviolence walkingarmory labelimageminimize
Postal²: Apocalypse Weekend  Running With Scissors;Resi Network (Running With Scissors)2005 antiheroprotagonist arizona cdrom civilianprotagonist cruelty-potential desura excretion firearms firstpersonshooter insaneprotagonist malevolentprotagonist neutralnpcs northamerica postal rating-esrb-m shovels steampowered town unrestrictedviolence vorbis walkingarmory labelimageminimize
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space Shrapnel Games (Digital Eel)2005 aliens beamweapons desura infinitespace lighthearted openal opengl sdl space spacecraft spacefaringage steampowered vorbis win98 labelimagesubject
Inquisitor  Cinemax;Akella (Wooden Dragon)2006 automap chapters charactercreation classbased desura dialog-sentences gog interactivedialogs inventory itemglow magic maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons potions protagonistnaming randomdamage scrolls sorcery steampowered titlementioned titularcharacter town labelimageminimize
Bunny Must Die  Platine Dispositif;Rockin' Android (Platine Dispositif)2006 automap aybabtu bossbattles curse dashing desura femaleprotagonist interactivetriggers kemonomimi metroidvania savepoints steampowered timecontrol walljumping win2k win98 winxp labelimageminimize
Dominions 3: The Awakening  Shrapnel Games (Illwinter Game Design)2006 4xstrategy aquaticrealm automatedbattles bloodmagic charactercreation deities demo desura dismemberment divineabsence dominions-series drm espionage godlingprotagonist imperfectrecovery indirectcontrol injuries jokeitems magic mapgenerator monsters opengl permanentloss plantcreatures randomevents sauroids sdl serialkey steampowered summoning taxes transcendency troglodytes undead win2k win98 winnt4 winxp labelimageminimize
Gundemonium Recollection Platine Dispositif;Rockin' Android (Platine Dispositif)2007 desura gundemonium-series steampowered labelimageminimize
Samorost 2 Amanita Design2007 aliens animals cartoon clickadventure commercial desura did dogs download entangled gnomes humblebundle indie langinsignificant otherworld rescue subterranean walking weefolk labelminimizeminimize
Band of Bugs  Microsoft Game Studios (NinjaBee)2007 desura insectoid-theme insectoids labelminimizeminimize
cloudphobia  Marsbound;Rockin' Android (Marsbound)2008 arcade bossbattles bright cdrom commercialized defensegame demo desura download energyweapons licensechange mecha meleeweapons netranking protect replays score serious steampowered swords timelimit war win2k winvista winxp labelimageminimize
BrainPipe  Shrapnel Games (Digital Eel)2008 desura download opengl steampowered winvista winxp labelimageminimize
Gear Grinder  Headup Games (Targem Games)2009 combatracing desura directx9 minimap rage steampowered truck winvista winxp labelimageminimize
Auditorium Cipher Prime Studios2010 desura langinsignificant steampowered labelimageminimize
1953 - KGB Unleashed  CP Digital;Phantomery Interactive;UIG Entertainment (Phantomery Interactive)2010 1950s desura earth gamersgate kgb liveactors panopticum-engine panoramic sovietunion steampowered win8 winvista winxp labelimagesubject
A Kingdom for Keflings NinjaBee2010 4ormoreresources bright casual citybuilding colorful crystals decomposing desura gems logistics mp-cooperative optionaltasks rating-esrb-e resourceharvesting resourceprocessing stockpiles tutorial tutorial-integrated zoom labelimageminimize
Max & the Magic Marker The Games Company (Press Play)2010 amoeboids collectibles deadlywater desura drawing dreamworld findexit grantfunded harmfultouch ledges mundanedangers nofalldamage nordicgameprogram physics rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-7 secrets steampowered suburb titularcharacter titularobject tropic unnecessarykilling labelminimizeminimize
Cthulhu Saves the World Zeboyd Games2010 combatmode desura encounters-random group groupactions humanoidprotagonist lostpowers menus monsterprotagonist monsters recallportal retro savepoints steampowered turnbasedcombat labelimagesubject
Ancients of Ooga NinjaBee (Bacon Wrapped Games)2010 achievements achievements-public asphyxiation autosavepoints colorful demo desura humanoidprotagonist humanoids interactivetriggers inventory jumppads ledges magic mystics nohumans possession prehistoric-theme pressureplates pseudo3d puzzleplatformer rating-esrb-e10 shadermodel3 steampowered steamworks supernaturalprotagonist swimming tribals tropic tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated underwaterdiving winxp labelimagesubject
Starfare Tipri Games2010 desura space tutorial labelimagesubject
Starpoint Gemini  Iceberg Interactive (Little Green Man Games)2010 beamweapons chapters demo desura dialog-sentences directx9 rating-pegi-12 shadermodel3 space spacecraft stacsim starpointgemini-series steampowered targetlock titlementioned titularobject tutorial labelimagesubject
Acceleration of Suguri X-Edition  Rockin' Android (Orange_Juice)2011 desura labelminimizeminimize
Blue Libra  Orator Games2011 blue demo desura display-1024x768 space unitlimit labelminimizeminimize
Chernobyl Terrorist Attack Libredia (Silden)2011 argon-engine desura labelminimizeminimize
Depth Hunter Biart Studio2011 asphyxiation biengine deceptivepackaging demo desura earth lasso sixense spearguns underwater underwaterdiving labelimageminimize
Explodemon Curve Studios2011 city dashing desura fullscreen jumppads ledges midairjumping rating-esrb-e steampowered titularcharacter walking wallsliding labelimagesubject
LINK-DEAD TransHuman Directive2011 crimsonengine desura dingy explosives fanfunding firearms incomplete naturalistic labelminimizeminimize
Project Black Sun Starflower Games2011 actionadventure aircontrol amoeboids asphyxiation bizarrearchitecture blankprotagonist bossbattles camouflagers chiroptera collapsingceiling desura doors explosives firearms grenades handguns harmfultouch healthpickups hitflash hitmoderation hostileflora illusionarywalls indie instantkillers itemglow keys knives limitedcapacity limitedsupplies loot-random loot-unexpected metroidvania mine monsters mutantplants plantcreatures quitsave rapidmovementplants rats reload-auto reload-manual retrypoints singlesave snails stationaryattack subterranean underwater underwaterwalking walking labelimageminimize
Stellar Impact Tindalos Interactive;Meridian4 (Tindalos Interactive)2011 abilitycooldown armorpenetrators asteroids attractors baseincome beamweapons cannons cloaking controlpoints crashing delayedturning desura distortedvision enemyhealthdisplay energyshields firingarcs flatspace fogofwar guidedweapons independentaim moba mp-matchmaking mp-pregamecommitment mp-teams nopointercapture paidkilling powernegation pvp recruiting rockets rooting selfupdate shieldpenetrators sizematters space spacecraft spacecraft-large speedcontrol steampowered swarmweapons targetlock targetlock-multi tutorial tutorial-interactive unity-engine uvl-missingimages volleyweapons labelimagesubject
Tales of Maj'Eyal  author2011 desura download genderchoice grid grid-square magic meleeweapons roguelike steampowered labelimagesubject
Tesla: The Weather Man Thoughtquake Studios2011 1890s 19thcentury 2ndmillennium box2d commercial crates demo desura download earlymodernperiod historicfigure license-proprietary nikolatesla past pressureplates realprotagonist robots scientistprotagonist superscience surreal telekinesis weather-theme weirdscience labelminimizesubject
Thunder Fleets Orator Games2011 demo desura ocean warfare-sea labelminimizeminimize
Rijn the Specpyre in... Manor of the Damned! The Hideout2011 demo desura download undead undeadprotagonist vampireprotagonist vampires labelminimizeminimize
Cloning Clyde NinjaBee (Bacon Wrapped Games)2011 asphyxiation autosavepoints chickens clones clonetechnology collectibles cooperation desura difficulty elevators healthpickups interactivetriggers jumppads ladders ledges levelselection nofalldamage pressureplates pseudo3d rating-esrb-e10 researchfacility steampowered suicideattackers swimming teleporters tutorial tutorial-forced tutorial-integrated unarmedfighting underwaterdiving labelimagesubject
Wanderlust: Rebirth Yeti Trunk;Chucklefish (Yeti Trunk)2011 3ormoreplayers adv-ptdistr arena blocking bodyarmor classbased demo desura drm drm-login energyregen forest gamemaker genderchoice giantspiders healthpickups indie inventory launcher lefthanded magic magicrings meleeweapons morale mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-matchmaking mp-survival mpfocus mystics netframework nohealthregen outlaws proprietarynetwork radialmenu rage selfupdate serialkey shopping sorcery steampowered town tutorial tutorial-interactive xp-none labelimagesubject
Frozen Synapse Mode 7 Games2011 achievements achievements-public aiprotagonist clones clonetechnology coversystem cpplanguage destructibleenvironment desura facebookconnect grenadelaunchers group humblebundle irc license-crossplatform license-multicopy lineofsight machineguns mapgenerator missionbased mode-skirmish mp-assault mp-control mp-ffa mp-lms mp-matchmaking mp-undefined neutralnpcs norecruiting openal opengl planning postures precisionrifles rockets shotguns simultaneousturns simultaneousturns-planned splatter steampowered steamworks strafing tactical taskqueue-modify taskqueuing tasksyncing timelimit tutorial tutorial-interactive twitter undefinedelements unrestrictedviolence waypoints youtube zoom labelimagesubject
Lair of the Evildoer Going Loud Studios2011 achillesheelfoes adv-ptdistr antagonistawareness autosavepoints bludgeons desura disclaunchers firearms handguns healthregen itemcomparison limitedcapacity meleeweapons obsoletedassets ricochetingattacks shotguns tutorial tutorial-forced walking xp-kills labelminimizeminimize
Eryi's Action  Nyu Media (Xtal Sword)2011 deathtraps desura dlsite fae femaleprotagonist hard humanoidprotagonist metagaming nohumans origlang-japanese platformhell playism steampowered unlimitedlives labelimageminimize
Dungeons of Dredmor Gaslamp Games2011 1life achievements achievements-public adv-ptdistr alcohol amoeboids ancientenemy axes bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bows brittleabilities capacity-slots chemistry classbased colorblind constrainedlocale cpplanguage crafting crafting-tools crossbows customclass damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes derivedstatistics desura difficulty doors dualwielding dungeon earth effectcancellation enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen extensible gaslampfiction genderchoice grid grid-square healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hitchance interactivetriggers inventory inventory-supplies launcher leveluprestoration limitedcapacity magic mapgenerator meleeweapons mikmod modsupport monsters multiclassing openal optionaltasks permadeath physfs pixelartscaler polearms potions quickkeys quitsave randomchance robots roguelike save-suspend sdl sdl-mixer shopping sorcery statuseffects staves steampowered steamworks steamworkshop subterranean summoning swords thrownweapons trapdisarming traps ugc unarmedfighting vorbis walking wands xml xp-kills labelimagesubject
CoreBreach CoreCode2011 aircushionvehicle cpplanguage desura objclanguage vehicularcombat labelminimizesubject
Nuclear Dawn InterWave Studios2011 aimmode artillery assaultrifles asymmetricfactions backstabbing basebuilding city clansystem classbased cloaking controlpoints deployables desura driving empgrenades empweapons energydistribution firearms firstpersonshooter fpsrts future gasgrenades grenadecooking grenadelaunchers grenades healing ironsights jumping knives license-crossplatform locationaldamage machineguns map militantprotagonist mines mp-crossplatform mp-spectating mp-teams multivehicular netranking playerprogression playerstats postapocalypse precisionrifles rating-esrb-m reload-manual repairing rockets rotaryguns ruins shotguns sourceengine steampowered steamworks submachineguns supportpowers tanks teamawareness telescope turrets undefinedelements valveanticheat walking war labelimagesubject
UnEpic author2011 ♫takefive 1life achillesheelfoes acid adv-ptdistr amoeboids antiheroprotagonist automap autosavepoints autosaves-periodic axes backstabbing backtracking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bossmeter bows burning captives carnivorousplants castle cave cemetery chemistry civilianprotagonist clingers constrainedlocale counselor crafting-sites criticalchance damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes dark demo desura difficulty displacementfiction doors draganddrop dragons drm drm-activation edgescroll elementals elevators elves falseending fasttravel-points fauns floatingeyes freezing fromanotherworld gelatinouscubes gems giantants giantgastropods giantinsects giantsnakes giantspiders giantworms goblinoids goblins gog grapplers graverobbing heads healingitems healingstations healthdrops healthwarning hintsystem hitmoderation inbuilttraps indie inventory inventory-supplies invisiblefoes itemgenerator jumping karmiccreatures keys knights knives knockback knockbackwards laboratory ladders lamp langhungarian library loot-random magic magic-ingredients magicrings mapannotation meleeweapons metagaming metroidvania mine moaifigures monsters mystics necromancers neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nofalldamage nonlinear npcdisarming npchealing npcspawning obsoletedassets optionaltasks orcs pet playerstats polearms portals potions premadeprotagonist pressureplates prison quickkeys recallportal respec rewardingvandalism robots roombased savepoints scientists score secrets serialkey sewers sex shallowwater shopping skeletons skillbasedeq sorcery spawners statuseffects stealingnpcs steampowered strangebedfellows suicideattackers supportnpcs swords tasktracker teleport teleporting temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures toxins tutorial undead undefinedelements volcanic vorbis walking wallcrawlers wands xp-kills ziplines labelimagesubject
Data Jammers: FastForward  Digital Eel2011 abstract achievements achievements-public demo desura score steampowered steamworks tutorial labelimagesubject
Clone Wolf: Protector Jarnik2011 artisanprotagonist bossbattles clones desura download flixel langinsignificant magical monsters selfduplication swords labelminimizeminimize
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