showing 23 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Double Switch Digital Pictures1995action/reflex adventure labelimageminimize
The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery  Sierra On-Line1995adventure Horror labelimagesubject
The Umbra Conspiracy Cosmi Corporation1995adventure Historical labelimagesubject
The Dark Eye Expert Software (inSCAPE)1995adventure Horror labelimagesubject
Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle Of Flesh  Sierra On-Line1996adventure Horror labelimagesubject
Spycraft: The Great Game Activision1996simulation adventure labelimagesubject
The Vampire Diaries Her Interactive1996adventure labelimagesubject
Urban Runner: Lost in Town  Sierra (Coktel Vision)1996action/reflex adventure labelimagesubject
Who is Oscar Lake? Language Publications Interactive (Emblem)1996adventure edutainment labelminimizesubject
Santa Fe Mysteries: The Elk Moon Murder Activision1996adventure labelimagesubject
Krazy Ivan Psygnosis1997shooter Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Santa Fe Mysteries: Sacred Ground Activision1997adventure labelimageminimize
Warhammer Epic 40,000: Final Liberation SSI (Holistic Design)1997strategy turn-based Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Wing Commander: Prophecy Electronic Arts (Origin)1997simulation flight adventure Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight  LucasArts1997action/reflex beat 'em up shooter Fantasy Science Fiction labelimageminimize
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars  Electronic Arts (EA Los Angeles)2007strategy Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Alan Wake Remedy Entertainment2012action/reflex Fantasy Horror labelimagesubject
Alan Wake's American Nightmare Remedy Entertainment2012action/reflex Fantasy Horror labelimageminimize
Brütal Legend Double Fine Productions2013action/reflex adventure Fantasy labelimageminimize
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure Atlus (Big Finish Games)2014adventure labelminimizeminimize
Wasteland 2  inXile entertainment (inXile entertainment;Obsidian Entertainment)2014role-play turn-based labelimageminimize
Never Alone: Kisima Ingitchuna E-Line Media (E-Line Media;Upper One Games)2014platformer adventure edutainment puzzle labelminimizeminimize
Quantum Break Microsoft Studios (Remedy Entertainment)2016shooter Science Fiction labelimageminimize