showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Dream Chronicles PlayFirst (KatGames)2007 labelimageminimize
Dreamlords Resurrection  LockPick Entertainment2008[b]2009-06-24[/b] — [company=Lockpick Entertainment]Lockpick[/company] filed for bankruptcy; intentions are to keep Dreamlords running despite this.***Slightly more interesting than other browser-based strategy/management games, but only because you can fight real-time battles with the Windows client. The game has similar extremely slow pace other browser-based games have (unless you enjoy grinding items and such in battles, but ultimately you have to just wait). The in-game research takes hours if not days (in real-time) to complete, and gaining even one new follower takes 30 minutes (again in real-time) by default. Although you can spend real cash to speed up gaining of followers, the game world is reset occasionally (I have no idea how often, but I'd presume at least a month passes before such happens) which puts all your progress back to 0 and the battle begins anew (and research, and gaining followers, and killing the same things, etc.). I can't imagine anyone being interested in repeating that for more than 2-3 times at most, but I can't imagine people grinding their chars to level 70 or such in [game=World of Warcraft]WoW[/game] either on weekly basis, so I guess I'm not the person to ask.***[b]Factions:[/b]
* Covenant
* Thûl
* Nihilim***Although Lockpick Entertainment claims Dreamlords: The Reawakening is remake of Dreamlords, this is hardly true since Dreamlords was still in [i]closed[/i] beta late in 2008-01 (open beta sometime later), but Reawakening was released in 2008-06, leaving them only few months to remake it (I'd imagine they just fixed the bugs, renamed the game, and made a public non-beta release).