showing 20 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardauthor(s)
Starsiege: Tribes Sierra On-Line (Dynamix)1998 labelminimizeminimize
Sinistar Unleashed THQ (GameFX)1999 labelimageminimize
Tribes 2 Havas Interactive (Dynamix)2001 labelminimizeminimize
Tribes: Vengeance  Vivendi (Irrational Games)2004 labelimageminimize
Hard Truck: Apocalypse  cdv Software Entertainment;Nival Interactive (Targem Games;Buka Entertainment)2005 labelimageminimize
Far Cry 2  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montréal)2008 labelimagesubject
HAWX  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Bucharest)2009 labelimageminimize
ArmA II  505 Games (Bohemia Games)2009 labelimageminimize
The Saboteur Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios)2009 labelimagesubject
Mafia II  2K Games (2K Czech)2010 labelimagesubject
HAWX 2  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Romania)2010 labelminimizeminimize
L.A. Noire  Rockstar Games (Team Bondi;Rockstar Leeds)2011 labelimageminimize
Saints Row: The Third  THQ (Volition)2011 labelimagesubject
Tribes: Ascend Hi-Rez Studios2012 labelimagesubject
SOL: Exodus Seamless Entertainment2012 labelimagesubject
Alan Wake Remedy Entertainment2012Ilkka Villi (likeness of alan wake)
Petri Järvilehto (lead designer)
Sami Järvi 'Sam Lake' (writer)
Moon Breakers Uber Entertainment (IMBA Entertainment)2012 labelimagesubject
Far Cry 3 Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2012 labelimageminimize
Zigfrak Entheogen Studios2012'aayars'
Saints Row: The Third -Remastered-  Deep Silver (Sperasoft)2020 labelminimizeminimize