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UnEpic author2011 ♫takefive 1life achillesheelfoes acid adv-ptdistr amoeboids antiheroprotagonist automap autosavepoints autosaves-periodic axes backstabbing backtracking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bossmeter bows burning captives carnivorousplants castle cave cemetery chemistry civilianprotagonist clingers constrainedlocale counselor crafting-sites criticalchance damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes dark demo desura difficulty displacementfiction doors draganddrop dragons drm drm-activation edgescroll elementals elevators elves falseending fasttravel-points fauns floatingeyes freezing fromanotherworld gelatinouscubes gems giantants giantgastropods giantinsects giantsnakes giantspiders giantworms goblinoids goblins gog grapplers graverobbing heads healingitems healingstations healthdrops healthwarning hintsystem hitmoderation inbuilttraps indie inventory inventory-supplies invisiblefoes itemgenerator jumping karmiccreatures keys knights knives knockback knockbackwards laboratory ladders lamp langhungarian library loot-random magic magic-ingredients magicrings mapannotation meleeweapons metagaming metroidvania mine moaifigures monsters mystics necromancers neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nofalldamage nonlinear npcdisarming npchealing npcspawning obsoletedassets optionaltasks orcs pet playerstats polearms portals potions premadeprotagonist pressureplates prison quickkeys recallportal respec rewardingvandalism robots roombased savepoints scientists score secrets serialkey sewers sex shallowwater shopping skeletons skillbasedeq sorcery spawners statuseffects stealingnpcs steampowered strangebedfellows suicideattackers supportnpcs swords tasktracker teleport teleporting temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures toxins tutorial undead undefinedelements volcanic vorbis walking wallcrawlers wands xp-kills ziplines rasterDaniel was just an average guy. He was a great videogame player, a big fan of sci-fi movies, and a novice RPG player. In the midst of an RPG, he was teleported to a castle. At first, Daniel believed that he was having a massive hallucination. Eager to keep playing within the RPG to create his own adventure, he decides to go along for te ride until his delirium comes to an end.
Once inside the castle, Daniel is inhabited by a mysterious shadow. This dark spirit can communicate with Daniel, but not control him. The shadow has a simple goal: to escape from the prison of Daniel's body. There's a catch, though-- the dark spirit can only escape if Daniel perishes.
Struggling against enemies in the castle, with the dark spirit attempting to murder him at every turn. Daniel finally discovers his goal: to kill Harnakon, the master of the castle, and free the Pure-Spirits who are trapped within. While the stage seems set for a typical role-playing adventure, Daniel will soon discover that everything is not what it seems...

RPG 2D platform game
200 rooms to explore
7 bosses to kill
70 spells to learn
100 different weapons
More than 2000 lines of clever dialogue and pop-culture references
Full RPG character sheet, including upgradeable skills
Potions, Scrolls, Rings, Magical weapons and artifacts
Statistics, including a worldwide leaderboard
Multiple endings and difficulty settings
Interactive Castle Map, which can be written on and altered
...and hidden treasures galore!***Un dungeon crawler bastante corriente, que sólo destaca por las trampas y algunos elementos narrativos.
Su nombre le describe bastante bien, carece de nada que lo convierta en épico, sin embargo su humor tan friki, castizo y chabacano lo convierten en entretenido y simpático, y digno de ser probado.

5 de 10***[media=youtube]Qr5dCc7_xqM[/media]
Alessandro El Khoury (translator)
Andrey Sakharov (translator)
Carol Sánchez Quiñones (artist)
Francisco Téllez de Meneses (author)
Jason King [老金] (translator)
Jedi Lin (translator)
Rafał Lewandowski (translator)
Ricardo Peregrina Muñoz (artist)
ch, cz, en, fr, it, pl, pt, ru, splabelimagesubject