showing 32 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Zelda Classic Armageddon Games1999 achillesheelfoes ballistics bossbattles cemetery centauroids chosenone clanguage cpplanguage currency doors fangame fish forest free genderchoice giantinsects gunblades hard healthwarning humanoidprotagonist insectoids inventory keys ladders launcher lethalobjects leveleditor meleeweapons monsters mountain nohumans noncanon rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen stunning subterranean town traproom trees undead walking watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine zeldalike labelimageminimize
Card Hunter Sakura 2 DK Software2001 1on1fighting cardcaptorsakura clamp fangame femaleprotagonist magicalgirl noncanon labelimageminimize
DRL  -2005 1life adv-perks ammomagazines automap blindmode bodyarmor capacity-slots chainreactions chainsaw challenges colorblind controlconfig damagetypes demons destructibleenvironment distortedvision doors dualwielding dungeon enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons explosiveobjects fangame firearms fmod healingitems healthpickups idlenoise inventory itemsets knives limitedcapacity lineofsight lua machineguns mapgenerator militantprotagonist mode-challenge modifiable moon npcfriendlyfire npcinventory passive permadeath plasmaweapons possessed powertools powerups premadeprotagonist presetmaps protagonistnaming quitsave randomdamage reload-manual rockets roguelike save-suspend savepoints sciencefantasy sdl selectivefire serious shotguns teleporters unarmedfighting unloading uvl-workingtitle walking xp-kills labelimageminimize
Halo Zero Dobermann2005 anticipatorystockpiles download fangame firstpartytitle halo-series noncanon labelminimizeminimize
Alien Breed Obliteration  FlashJesterPunk2005 alienbreed aliens alone biogrowth cpplanguage directx9 doors energyweapons fangame firearms indoors itempickup-auto keys keys-disposable lives militantprotagonist serious walking labelimagesubject
Lost Isle ?2007 actionadventure allegro bossbattles canyon cemetery currency doors escape fangame femaleauthor forest free ghosts humanoidprotagonist inventory island meleeweapons monsters noncanon rewardingvandalism secrets subterranean unexpectedsituation volcano walking wasteland wetland zeldaclassicengine labelminimizeminimize
AliensRL  author2007 1life 22ndcentury 23rdcentury adv-xpdistr alienfranchise alienmenace aliens alone ammomagazines assaultrifles blankprotagonist bodyarmor competitionentry doors download elevators enemyhealthdisplay extraterrestrial fangame firearms flamethrowers future genderneutral grenades handguns healingitems interspecificconflict limitedsupplies machineguns map mapgenerator militantprotagonist naturalistic noncanon otherworld permadeath precisionrifles protagonistnaming randomdamage rapiddevelopment roguelike sdl serious shotguns spacefaringage submachineguns thermalweapons uvl-tiein vorbis walking xp-kills labelimageminimize
Zak McKracken: between time and space Artificial Hair Brothers2008 city-sanfrancisco-ca clickadventure fangame inventory journalistprotagonist maleprotagonist middleagedprotagonist usa visionaire-engine labelminimizeminimize
The Legend of Zelda: Mystery of Solarus DX  Zelda s9larus2008 1life ancientenemy boomerangs bossbattles bows containers cpplanguage currency elves explosives fangame fantasyworld healingitems interactivetriggers inventory keys lang-separate license-gpl3 lua magic mandriva meleeweapons monsters openal playerprofiles rewardingvandalism sdl sdl2 shields shopping solarusengine swimming swords walking wintery labelminimizeminimize
MechWarrior: Living Legends  Wandering Samurai Studios2009 activepassivedetectors alphastrike battletech fangame mecha militaryfiction mod realisticshotguns shotguns tank tanks totalconversion uvl-tiein vehicularcombat walker walkers labelminimizeminimize
Alien Assault TearDown2009 aliens allegro aspectratio-4-3 claws display-640x480 doors doors-breakable facing fangame fieldofvision firearms grid grid-square group indoors lineofsight malfunctioning map meleeweapons minimap missionbased outofturnactions powerarmor radar swords teleport thermalweapons timeunits tutorial unlimitedammo walking labelimageminimize
Knight Lore RetroSpec2010 fangame harmfultouch instantdeath involuntarystates knightlorelike lives roombased sabreman shapeshifting werewolves labelimageminimize
Dungeons Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2011 abilitydependencies achievements adv-progress adv-ptdistr amoeboids angels antiheroprotagonist autosaves-periodic buildingdesigning counselor cpplanguage dark-limited darkknights decoys digging directx9 dissolvingcorpses distracting dominion drm drm-login dungeons-series elitemobs elites endlessopposition enemyhealthdisplay energyregen errorreporting evilisgood facelessprotagonist fangame furnishing gameterminology giantscorpions giantworms goblins goodvsevil heads healthregen hellhounds heroes hexapeds imprisoning imps inorganics insectoids kalypsolauncher knights leaderparticipation lightfx lostpowers lua magic mode-sandbox mode-skirmish mode-survival monsters murinoids mystics necromancers needs netframework npcgenerators npchealing npcstrife ogre-engine omniscientnpcs optionaltasks origlang-german randomdamage resourceharvesting revenge sacrificing saveanywhere selfluminance serialkey shadermodel3 sizeispower skeletons slimdx sorcery splatter stealingnpcs strategyrpg subterranean summoning tasktracker timecompression torture trapping tutorial undead undefinedelements unitlimit volcanic vorbis windowsmedia winvista winxp xml xp-none labelimagesubject
Super Mario Bros. X  author2013 fangame invasion leveleditor mario-universe mod platformer labelimagesubject
Stargate SGC author2013 fangame labelminimizeminimize
Mega Pony author2013 anthroprotagonist fangame glitchvisuals pixeldoubling robotprotagonist singlefile uvl-tiein labelimageminimize
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2D author2014 actionadventure download fangame free2play labelminimizeminimize
Pokémon Uranium Uranium Team2016 fangame pokemon-universe uvl-tiein labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons III  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2017 abilitydependencies achievements adv-progress adv-ptdistr amoeboids angels antiheroprotagonist autosaves-periodic basebuilding buildingdesigning commercial counselor cpplanguage dark-limited darkknights decoys digging dissolvingcorpses distracting dominion download dungeons-series elitemobs elites endlessopposition enemyhealthdisplay energyregen evilisgood facelessprotagonist fangame furnishing gameterminology giantscorpions giantworms goblins godgame goodvsevil heads healthregen hellhounds heroes hexapeds imprisoning imps inorganics insectoids kalypsolauncher knights langchinesesimpl launcher leaderparticipation license-proprietary lightfx lostpowers lua magic malevolentprotagonist mode-sandbox mode-skirmish mode-survival monsters mp-crossplatform murinoids mystics necromancers needs npcgenerators npchealing npcstrife omniscientnpcs opengl optionaltasks origlang-german randomdamage resourceharvesting revenge sacrificing saveanywhere selfluminance sizeispower skeletons slimdx sorcery splatter stealingnpcs steamcontroller steampowered strategyrpg subterranean summoning tasktracker timecompression torture trapping tutorial undead undefinedelements unitlimit unity-engine volcanic vorbis xml xp-none zoning labelminimizeminimize
Legacy of the Yods  Eternal Outcasts2017 cryengine fangame license-cc labelimageminimize
Black Mesa  Crowbar Collective2020 3plusfactions airducts alieninvasion aliens alphafunding alternateattack ammomagazines asphyxiation assaultrifles beamweapons biogrowth bombs canyon chainreactions chapters chargingweapons cliff commercialized crates crossbows dam deathpits dimensionaltravel distortedhearing distortedvision doors earth elevators encounters-popup energyweapons episodic eruptions escape explosiveobjects fakenames falldamage fangame firearms firstpersonshooter flyingislands formervaporware giantmonsters gibs glowingeyes grenades halflife handguns helicopters hobbyist hunted industrial-setting jargon jumping jumppads lightbloom livingammo livingweapons locationaldamage lostequipment meleeweapons minefield mines mp-dm newmexico northamerica npcstrife otherworld overcharging overkill parasites portals powerarmor prologue radioactiveglow remotedetonators researchfacility rewardingvandalism rockets scientistprotagonist scientists screenshake secretfacility shallowwater shotguns silentprotagonist singlegenderopposition slipperysurfaces soldiers sourceengine splatter submachineguns swimming tanks teleport teleporters telescope temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures tinyfoes totalconversion tripmines turrets underwaterdiving visiblelasers walking walkingarmory wasteprocessingstation zombies zoom labelimagesubject
The Fan Game: Back to the Future - Interactive Adaptation Daniele Spadoni2020 clickadventure fangame labelminimizesubject
THE PIXEL HAS YOU Daniele Spadoni2020 clickadventure fangame labelminimizesubject
The Fan Game: Ghostbusters and The Secret of Monkey Island Daniele Spadoni2020 clickadventure fangame labelminimizesubject
The Fan Game: Back to the Future ALTERNATIVE TRILOGY Daniele Spadoni2020 clickadventure fangame labelminimizesubject
The Fan Game: Zak McKracken - A Mansion, a Meteor and the Alien Mindbenders Daniele Spadoni2020 clickadventure fangame labelminimizesubject
The Fan Game: Saint Seiya - Galaxian Wars Daniele Spadoni2020 clickadventure fangame labelminimizesubject
The Fan Game: I'll Be Back to the Future With a Terminator Daniele Spadoni2021 clickadventure fangame labelminimizesubject
The Fan Game: The Goonies author2021 clickadventure fangame labelimagesubject
The Fan Game: The Secret of Monkey Island RECODED Daniele Spadoni2021 clickadventure fangame labelimagesubject
LBA Prequel authorTBA actionadventure cancelled demo fangame fantasyworld magic noncanon tilebased labelminimizeminimize
Smooth Criminal GiantbombTBA fangame firstpersonshooter tommygun labelminimizeminimize