showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Albedo: Eyes from Outer Space Merge Games (Z4G0 and Ivan Venturi Productions )2015 2060s 21stcentury aliens contrasted escapetheroom future gog hintsystem improvisedweapons inventory jupiter langbrazil-port monsters roombased steampowered unarmedfighting labelimageminimize
Free Stars: The Ur-Quan Masters  Pistol Shrimp2024 2150s 22ndcentury aliens amoeboids antivillain apocalyptic astrophysics autozoom beamweapons callisto cannons combatmode crystalentities deadends dimensionaltravel download drone earth energyweapons europa extraterrestrial fuel future ganymede humanoids inorganics insectoids interactivedialogs io jupiter linux luna machinecivilization mars mercury metagaming miscommunication mycoids neptune neutralnpcs perverts plantcreatures pluto precursors progressingworld resourceharvesting saturn sentientplants shopping slavery space spacecraft spacecraft-medium spacefaringage speciesuplift starcontrol starfishaliens steampowered suicideattackers superguns timelimit titanmoon tritonmoon unattendedevents universallanguage uranus uvl-searchelp venus warptravel xenophobia labelminimizesubject