showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame typetags
The Legend of Zelda: Mystery of Solarus DX  Zelda s9larus2008action/reflex adventure role-play Fantasy 1life ancientenemy boomerangs bossbattles bows containers cpplanguage currency elves explosives fangame fantasyworld healingitems interactivetriggers inventory keys lang-separate license-gpl3 lua magic mandriva meleeweapons monsters openal playerprofiles rewardingvandalism sdl sdl2 shields shopping solarusengine swimming swords walking wintery labelminimizeminimize
Endless Sky author2015shooter simulation flight Science Fiction aliens commercial debian download energyweapons extraterrestrial freelancing future license-cc license-gpl3 license-proprietary license-publicdomain lutris naturalistic neutralnpcs nonlinear opengl openworld outlaws space spacecraft spacecraft-small spacefaringage spaceflight stacsim steampowered trading warptravel labelminimizesubject
Barony Turning Wheel2015action/reflex role-play Fantasy adv-static antagonistawareness axes blocking blocky bludgeons cpplanguage curseditems customengine dark doors doors-breakable draganddrop enemyhealthdisplay fmod genderchoice giantrats gog healthregen healthregen-slow humblewidget hunger inbuilttraps instantkillers itemdurability itemidentification lamp lamp-powered leveleditor license-gpl3 license-proprietary lowviolencemode magic mapgenerator meleeweapons mp-campaign mp-cooperative opengl permadeath polearms potions presetmaps screenshake sdl sdl2 shields skeletons sorcery spears steampowered swords undead vorbis winxp xp-kills xp-literal labelimagesubject
OpenHV OpenHV developers2020strategy Science Fiction basebuilding control-individuals csharplanguage directx11 download encyclopedia fogofwar future grid-square leveleditor license-cc license-gpl3 lua minimap missionbased mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mp-versus nostructurefacing opengl-3-2 orbitalweapons otherworld realtimestrategy reimagining resourceharvesting spacefaringage tilebased vorbis war wargame labelimagesubject