showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardauthor(s)
Zombie Wars  Microforum (Gee Whiz! Entertainment)1996Elizabeth Pickering (voice actor)
George Stamatiadis (sound effects)
George Stamatiadis (voice actor)
Hugh 'Star Wars' Fleming (voice actor)
John Passfield (maps)
John Passfield (designer)
John Passfield (voice actor)
Robert Crane (programmer)
Robert Crane (designer)
Robert Crane (voice actor)
Steve Stamatiadis (graphics)
Steve Stamatiadis (designer)
Steve Stamatiadis (artist)
Steve Stamatiadis (voice actor)
Steven Baker (music)
Tony Ball (programmer)
Tony Ball (maps)
Tony Ball (voice actor)
Wolfenstein Activision (Raven Software;Id Software;Endrant Studios)2009 labelimagesubject
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West Fatshark2010 labelimageminimize
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Oddworld Inhabitants2010 labelimageminimize