showing 4 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsrank
Rune  Take 2 Interactive;Gathering of Developers (Human Head Studios)2000 1life actionadventure apocalyptic axes blocking bludgeons cdrom clothingchanges death defensebreaking directx7 divinemenace drm dwarves endtime eviloverlord giantinsects glide3d hackandslash ledges leveleditor magic mediaindrive meleeweapons mp-dm mythicfiction norsemythology opengl prologue safedisc serious shields skeletons subterranean swords swrender throwanything undead underworld unrealengine unrealengine1 vikings voiceovers walking warriorprotagonist weefolk labelimagesubject
Beowulf: The Game  Ubisoft;Buka Entertainment (Ubisoft Tiwak;Ubisoft Shanghai)2007 actionadventure anglosaxonmythology beowulf earth hackandslash medieval monsters movie mythicfiction sourcematerial-epic yetiengine labelimageminimize
Garshasp Gorz-e-Serit  Fanafzar Game Studios2010 actionadventure arabianfantasy axes book castle city cpplanguage earth iran jungle langfarsi meleeweapons monsterhunters monsters mythicfiction mythicfigure ogre-engine openal past persianmythology physx preislamicsetting rating-esra-15 revenge semiteprotagonist swords temple walking war wxwidgets labelminimizeminimize
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer Dead Mage2011 achievements achievements-public actionadventure arabianfantasy bludgeons dodging grappling hackandslash invisiblewalls meleeweapons monkeybars monsterhunters monsters mythicfiction mythicfigure ogre-engine persianmythology platforming semiteprotagonist steampowered steamworks sweepingstrikes swords titularcharacter walking labelimagesubject