showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Tomb Raider  Square Enix (Crystal Dynamics)2013 2010s 3plusfactions actionadventure adv-intermediary adv-perks adv-ptdistr aimmode ammotypes animals archeologistprotagonist armyofone assaultrifles axes backstabbing beach bink bossbattles bows bunker cablecars cave cc chickens cleargame collectibles communicator contemporaryfantasy corpselooting counterattacks cover-destructible coversystem coversystem-auto coversystem-context crystalengine cultists cutsceneincompetence dark-limited deadondisplay depthoffield derelictgraveyard diaries dirtyfighting displacementfiction distortedvision distracting dodging earth environmentalpuzzle eternalfires explosiveobjects falldamage fallimpact fasttravel fasttravel-points femaleprotagonist firearms fmod fofindicator forest fxaa gianthumanoids gore grenadewarning hammerspace handguns healthregen healthregen-fast horizontalbars iceaxe improvisedweapons ingamecinematics interactionhighlight invisiblewalls island japan japanese-theme jumping ladders lamp launcher ledges locationaldamage lunatics lutris map metroidvania monkeybars motionblur mp-teams npcinjuries objectiveindicator ogres oopitems originstory paranormal playerprogression pointofnoreturn prematuredetonation prerenderedcinematics present quicktimeevent rain rating-acb-ma15 rating-esrb-m rating-gsrr-r rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 reboot recycledtitle resuscitation ruins samurai screenshake selfsacrifice sequelhook sequence-stealth sequence-turret shallowwater shantytown shotguns skipnoninteractive slowmotion speech-japanese speech-russian splatter ssaa ssao stadia stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered stereoscopic stranded submachineguns summery temple timespan-days tombraider tombraider-2013 tressfx tumbling undead unduehaste unlockable-art upgradesystem uvl-confusable voicechat volcanic volcano walking waterfalls weaponupgrades weirdvision wilderness windy wintery wolves xp-kills xp-method xp-objects youngadultprotagonist ziplines Probablemente el mejor Tomb Raider jamás hecho, aunque abusa un poco de los QTM y se nota la ausencia de puzzles.
Aún así, la mezcla de acción-plataformas está mejor realizada que nunca.

8 de 10***Notes on tags:
[b]Giant humanoids[/b] - the Oni are not explained what they really are, whether they are actually Japanese demons ([url=/groups/info/ogres]ogres[/url] really) or just some of the samurai who suffer from gigantism.
[b]Undead[/b] - the Stormguard. Although nothing really suggests this except for that you can kill them by destroying their belt buckles, which presumably animate their dead bodies.
Batman: Arkham Origins Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (WB Games Montréal;Splash Damage)2013 ambientocclusion arkhamcombat batman batman-arkham cover dccomics depthoffield directx10 directx11 firearms host-migrating motionblur mp-3way mp-asymmetric mp-matchmaking originstory physx steampowered tumbling unarmedfighting uvl-tiein weirdvision win8 winvista
[12]***Batman™: Arkham Origins is the next installment in the blockbuster Batman: Arkham videogame franchise. Developed by WB Games Montréal, the game features an expanded Gotham City and introduces an original prequel storyline set several years before the events of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City, the first two critically acclaimed games of the franchise. Taking place before the rise of Gotham City’s most dangerous criminals, the game showcases a young and unrefined Batman as he faces a defining moment in his early career as a crime fighter that sets his path to becoming the Dark Knight.***Sigue la estela del Arkham City, y el villano no podría ser mejor, sin embargo le falta un toque de libertad de acción frente al anterior que lo convierte en un juego ligeramente inferior.
Si que es destacable el multijugador, que parece una mezcla entre el Gears of War y un Metal Gear Solid.

9 de 10***Splash Damage created the multiplayer mode.