showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Painkiller Dreamcatcher (People Can Fly)2004 ♫bachclavier2pnf6 1life achievements achillesheelfoes afterlife alternateattack arenafpstps armyofone aspectratio-4-3 autorun autosavepoints beamweapons bossbattles bunnyhopping cemetery chosenone coffins colossi cryogenicweapons deadprotagonist demo demons directx8 dissolvingcorpses download elimination energyweapons exoticweapons falldamage firearms firstpersonshooter fov-horizontal gadgetweapons gamespy ghosts gianthumanoids giantmonsters gore gothic havokphysics healthpickups hell hellscape inertscenery judeochristianmythology juggernauts jumping lua milessound mixedtheme modifiable monsters mookrush mp-dm multipleendings multitools nailguns ninja noports pain-engine painkiller-series purgatory religion-christian rewardingvandalism rockets satan saveanywhere secrets serious skeletons solomission souls spearguns stocksounds suicideattackers supermode tanks throwback town traproom twitchshooter undead underworld uvl-releases walking walkingarmory widescreen witches zombies [b]How to kill:[/b]
[spoiler=Necrogiant (chapter 1 boss);Hide]Nothing special needed. Just keep distance from him after he breaks his chains and use long range weapons like the stakegun.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Mudgiant-thingy (chapter 2 boss);Hide]Shoot the bubbles under him until you get permanently burning bubbles (burst them all). Shoot bubbles that float near the boss. Shoot at the boss directly until he has extinguished all. Repeat.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Guardian (chapter 3 boss);Hide]Destroy his warhammer, then Guardian himself.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alastor (chapter 4 boss);Hide]No special tricks needed. At the end you need to destroy the statues when he's drawing energy from them.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Lucifer (chapter 5 boss);Hide]"Push" (shoot, really) the meteors he summons back at him.[/spoiler]***[b]widescreen[/b] - this unfortunately reduces the vertical visibility by cutting off the top and bottom part of the screen so the edges still match the same angle.
[b]stock sounds[/b] - one is noticeable in C1L4 (Cathedral) where it's played as a random-ish background sound.
[b]colossi[/b] - the necrogiant, the protagonist is hardly the size of its fingernail.
[b]mookrush[/b] - is actually interrupted, several times even, but that's because the boss appears at those times and everyone else disappears for a short while.***2007-01-27 on Steam, by Dreamcatcher Interactive (lang: eng, ger, fre, spa) ; Gold Edition (actually Black Edition)
Painkiller: Battle out of Hell  Dreamcatcher (People Can Fly)2004 1life achievements achillesheelfoes afterlife amphitheatre amusementpark arenafpstps armyofone autorun autosavepoints bossbattles children childvictims clowns dark deadprotagonist directx8 download exoticweapons firearms firstpersonshooter gadgetweapons ghosts gianthumanoids giantmonsters gothic havokphysics healthpickups hell hellscape heroprotagonist inertscenery judeochristianmythology jumping lua mine mixedtheme monsters mp-dm nailguns noports orphanage pain-engine painkiller-series puppets purgatory rating-esrb-m rockets serious skeletons souls spearguns suicideattackers supermode tanks thermalweapons throwback twitchshooter underworld walking walkingarmory [spoiler=How to kill Alastor;Hide]Stand on the "flaming" circles until they snuff out, this summons a giant earth elemental like creature that beats up Alastor a bit. However, this only stuns him for a moment during which your own weapons become effective against him. Repeat as much as necessary.[/spoiler]***2007-01-27 on Steam, by Dreamcatcher Interactive (lang: eng, ger, fre, spa) ; Gold Edition (actually Black Edition)***In the Orphanage level, there are references to [[game:7th guest]], [[game:American McGee's Alice]] and [[game:Grim Fandango]]. labelimageminimize
Painkiller: Overdose DreamCatcher Interactive;JoWood Productions (Mindware Studios)2007 1life achievements amphitheatre angelicprotagonist antiheroprotagonist arenafpstps armyofone autorun autosavepoints beamweapons beetles chainreactions chemicalweapons cpu-pentium3 cyborgs cyclopes deadlywater demo demonicprotagonist demons difficulty directx9 download elimination energyweapons exoticweapons explosiveobjects firearms firstpersonshooter gamespy gianthumanoids giantinsects guidedweapons havokphysics hellscape hybridprotagonist insectoids jumping lua machineguns magic magicweapons milessound mixedtheme monastery monopod mp-dm mummies ninja noports novintfalcon npcstrife oddappliances pain-engine painkiller-series purgatory revenge rewardingvandalism rockets ruins saveanywhere secrets serious souls supermode tentaclecreatures thrownweapons title-static twitchshooter underworld uniqueprotagonist volcanic walking walkingarmory [b]unique/angelic/demonic/hybrid protagonist[/b] - a cross-breed of the two, so he's quite special.
[b]odd appliances[/b] - the starting weapon is a demon's head, the second weapon gained is a shattered cube.***Overdose's events start sometime after the end of [game=#154094]Painkiller[/game] as a result of Lucifer's death (at Daniel's hands) when Belial is freed, having been trapped by Lucifer's essence.***2007-10-30 on Steam, by Dreamcatcher Interactive (lang: eng)***Packed with tons of fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled single player and multiplayer levels of mayhem, Painkiller: Overdose brings with it 6 innovative new demonic weapons, mind-bending physics, lightning-player maps, over 40 demented and sickly-twisted monsters from Hell and gigantic end bosses that will blow your mind!

Game Features:

* Prequel to the eventual Sequel bridges the storyline and ties up wandering ends.
* Overdose introduces a new character and storyline that examines the repercussions of Daniel defeating Lucifer in the original Painkiller!
* 16 NEW levels of fast-paced pain-killing action!
* 6 New demonic weapons grant the powers of a demi-god to souls awaiting damnation everywhere!
* Crafted and designed completely by Mindware Studios; long-time advocates and fans of the game.
* A reshuffled Tarot deck infuses Belial with new powers and devastating combinations.
* An innovative direction in the Painkiller universe!
* Over 40 demented and sickly-twisted monsters from Hell
* New End Bosses of colossal statures standing guard over Hell's crumbling domain and the entrances to the other realms!
* A revitalized commitment to multiplayer introduces a series of stats tracking features and game server options intended to revamp the multiplayer experience.
* Multiplayer compatibility with original Painkiller multiplayer maps and game modes!
[Mindware]***US 2007-10-23 by DreamCatcher
EU 2007-11-15 by Jowood
INT 2007-10-30 on Steam, by JoWooD Entertainment, DreamCatcher (lang: eng, ger)***Minimum requirements:
* Windows 2000, XP or Vista
* 1.5 GHz Pentium III or Athlon CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 2.5 GB free HD space
* 128 MB VRAM
* GeForce FX 5600 or Radeon 9600***Apparently this was originally a community driven mod for [game=Painkiller]Painkiller[/game].
Painkiller: Resurrection DreamCatcher Interactive;JoWood Productions (Homegrown Games)2009 deadprotagonist directx9 download dvd firstpersonshooter havokphysics judeochristianmythology mp-cooperative pain-engine painkiller-series purgatory rehash serious twitchshooter walkingarmory winvista winxp [b]Minimum:[/b]
* 2.4 GHz CPU
* 1.5 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 6600GT GPU
* 6 GB HD space

* 2.6 GHz CPU
* 3 GB RAM
* 512 MB VRAM
* GeForce 8800GT GPU***[b]pain-engine[/b] - an updated version of the old engine.***For 1-4 players cooperative. Unknown player limit on regular multiplayer modes like deathmatch (or whatever it has).
Painkiller: Redemption JoWood Productions;DreamCatcher (Eggtooth Team)2011 directx9 jumping machineguns painkiller-series rotaryguns shotguns twitchshooter walking walkingarmory winvista winxp Welcome to a world of pain. Heaven is once again in danger and threatened by a reckless army of hell spawn monsters - and they will stop at nothing. This time, only two heroes can save heaven from total destruction: Daniel and Belial, two champions from previous Painkiller stories, have to team up and put an end to the conflict in the old epic struggle between heaven and hell. Unfortunately hell’s army is even greater and stronger than before: The new general of the abyss has been endowed with powers of all the previous leaders combined, and she’s determined to see the next war through until hell’s victory. Her legions won’t back down without a long and bloody battle. Can you survive the endless attacks of nightmarish minions and terrifying fiends?

Key features
* A new campaign guarantees for 7-10 hours of new and genuine Painkiller action
* Even more bloodshed and action per square meter: immerse into freaking intense gameplay & ultimately challenging FPS action
* More dense maps and sick enemies than ever before: kill over 6.000 uniquely spawned wicked monsters
* 6 all new maps and an easy to use map editor for your very own Painkiller experience
* Two familiar heroes with unique weaponry and specific powers
* Improved graphics, AI, environments as well as new atmospheric soundtrack
Painkiller: Hell & Damnation  Nordic Games (The Farm 51)2012 beamweapons bleak bossbattles bunnyhopping cemetery deathfakers difficulty disclaunchers distortedvision electricweapons elimination energyweapons explosiveobjects firearms hags healthdrops jumping mp-campaign mp-cooperative music-metal objectiveindicator painkiller-series projectilerecovery rage rating-pegi-18 retrypoints rewardingvandalism shotguns skeletons spearguns splatter steampowered terminal twitchshooter walking [b]Heaven's Hitman is Back... With a Vengeance[/b]

Evil has returned! Demonic powers are manifesting themselves as a myriad of dark creatures, fighting over the fates of imprisoned souls caught in Purgatory.

Once again, it is up to Daniel Garner, in the unenviable position of being the Curse of Darkness and the Toy of Light, to fight his way past hordes of demons and fiends.

Questions remain... "Can he stop the powerful creatures that stand in his way? Will he ever leave the hell of Purgatory and be reunited with his wife Catherine?"

Painkiller Hell & Damnation is a fast-paced, thrilling modern remake of an all-action shooter Classic!

Key features
* A modern remake of the Classic shooters, Painkiller and Battle Out Of Hell
* 14 adrenaline filled levels, including 4 Boss levels
* Over 30 of the nastiest, darkest creatures from Hell
* Devastating and unique arsenal of weapons
* Singleplayer and Co-operative Campaigns spread across 4 Chapters
* PvP and PvE Multiplayer modes
* The soundtrack is forged in the same furnace as the weapons: heavy metal
* Powered by Unreal Engine 3®
* Steamworks fully integrated
Key Anti-Features (you know... the ones that make life EASY):
* NO Kill-streak bonuses or airstrikes
* NO auto-heal
* NO AK-47, NO M16 or that sort of sh*t; just a healthy dose of .666 calibre weapons!
* More to be announced!