showing 2 games

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The Lord of the Rings Online: The Siege of Mirkwood Turbine2001 archaicearth arda battleofpelennorfields bodypiercing book cheese circadiancycle cooking crafting dolguldur download earrings earth elitemobs enemyhealthdisplay healthregen highfantasy incarnateddivines jewelry lotr mirkwood mmog optionaltasks orcs pelennorfields riding summoning uchronia urukhai textured polygonslabelminimizeminimize
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios;XPEC Entertainment; design)2009 abilitycooldown achievements archaicearth archers arda ballistics bodyarmor book bossbattles bows castle catapults classbased controlpoints crossbows demons directx directx9 download drm drm-activation drm-mediacheck dwarves earth elves enemyhealthdisplay explosives fortress giantwolves hackandslash halflings havokphysics healing healthpickups highfantasy horses humans incarnateddivines jumping knives lotr magic magicrings meleeweapons monsters movie mp-cooperative mpfocus mystics oliphaunts oneofmany orcs pelennorfields playerprofiles polearms pvp rage retrypoints securom securom7 securompa serialkey shadermodel3 shields sorcery spears swords title-cinematic trolls tutorial uchronia unlimitedammo unlockablecontent urukhai uvl-missingimages walking war weefolk winvista winxp textured polygonslabelimageminimize