showing 40 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardrank
Thief: The Dark Project  Eidos (Looking Glass Studios)1998labelimagesubject
Thief Gold  Eidos (Looking Glass Studios)1999labelimagesubject
Thief II: The Metal Age  Eidos (Looking Glass Studios)2000labelimageminimize
Hitman: Codename 47 Eidos (Io Interactive)2000labelimageminimize
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin  Eidos (IO Interactive)2002labelimagesubject
Splinter Cell  Ubi Soft (Ubi Soft Montreal)2003labelimagesubject
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2004labelminimizeminimize
Hitman: Contracts  Eidos Interactive (IO Interactive)2004labelimagesubject
Thief: Deadly Shadows  Eidos (Ion Storm)2004labelimagesubject
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay Vivendi Universal Games (Starbreeze Studios)2004labelimagesubject
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Ubisoft2005labelimagesubject
Thief 2X: Shadows of the Metal Age Dark Engineering Guild2005labelminimizesubject
Hitman: Blood Money  Eidos (Io Interactive)2006labelimageminimize
Splinter Cell: Double Agent Ubisoft (Ubisoft Shanghai)2006labelimagesubject
Trilby: The Art of Theft Fully Ramblomatic2007labelimageminimize
Death to Spies  1C Company (Haggard Games)2007labelimagesubject
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Vivendi Games (Starbreeze Studios;Tigon Studios)2009labelimageminimize
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth  1C Company;Aspyr Media (Haggard Games)2009labelminimizeminimize
Splinter Cell: Conviction  Ubisoft (Ubisoft Montreal)2010labelimageminimize
It Belongs in an Ancient Ruin DigiPen2011labelimagesubject
Blackwell's Asylum Blackpipe2012labelminimizeminimize
Mark of the Ninja Microsoft Game Studios (Klei Entertainment)2012labelimageminimize
Hitman: Absolution  Square Enix (IO Interactive)2012labelimagesubject
Gunpoint Suspicious Developments2013labelimageminimize
DARK Kalypso Media (Realmforge Studios)2013labelimageminimize
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Ubisoft (Ubisoft Toronto)2013labelminimizeminimize
Thief  Square Enix;Eidos Interactive (Eidos Montreal)2014labelimageminimize
Sniper Elite III  Rebellion2014labelimageminimize
Alien: Isolation SEGA (Creative Assembly)2014labelimageminimize
The Marvelous Miss Take Rising Star Games (Wonderstruck )2014labelminimizeminimize
I Will Escape Blue Label Studio2014labelminimizeminimize
République  Camouflaj2015labelminimizeminimize
Invisible, Inc.  Klei Entertainment2015labelimagesubject
Volume Bithell Games2015labelminimizeminimize
Shadwen Frozenbyte2016labelminimizeminimize
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun Daedalic Entertainment (Mimimi Productions)2016labelimageminimize
Sniper Elite 4 Rebellion2017labelimageminimize
2Dark Bigben Interactive (Gloomywood)2017labelimageminimize
Amnesia: The Bunker Frictional Games2023labelminimizeminimize
Paradise Lost: First Contact Asthree WorksTBA labelminimizeminimize