showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescriptionrank
F-22 Total Air War Ocean (DID)1998 aerodyne aeroplane aircraft-f22-raptor fighteraircraft prototypevehicle sudan yemen labelminimizeminimize
Soldier of Fortune  Activision (Raven Software)2000 africa ammomagazines anatomicdamage asia aureal3d balkans cdrom childlock city directx7 europe firearms firstpersonshooter germany gore idtech2 iraq japan locationaldamage mercenaryprotagonist missionbased northamerica npatches opengl ragdollphysics reload-auto reload-manual serious siberia sofseries solomission sudan titularcharacter wounds Enter the world of a soldier-for-hire.

You're the world's deadliest soldier of fortune and your mission is clear: survive. Track your prey across the globe in a series of secret missions to take down a fanatical terrorist organization before it takes you down. Maintain your cover as a covert warrior in a startling variety of explosive missions ranging from underhanded sabotage to stealthy assassination to full frontal assaults where skill marks the difference between the hunter and the hunted.

Tear your way past enemy lines utilizing the world's most lethal weaponry, including a sniper rifle, white phosphorous grenades, and prototype microwave pulse guns. Real bullets do real damage: shoot someone in the leg and he falls, writhing and grasping his wound; shoot someone in the head and he falls down dead.

Based on the popular magazine of the same name, Soldier of Fortune delivers the most realistic, covert-operative themed shooter experience ever created. Like a blockbuster action-thriller, Soldier of Fortune plunges you into the secret and deadly world of the modern-day gun-for-hire via dozens of real-to-life missions spanning five continents and innovative multiplayer modes.

Welcome to the secret world of the mercenary.