showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Incoming Interplay;Kalypso Media Digital (Rage Software)1998 aerodyne alieninvasion download helicopter interspecificconflict multisequence protect rotorcraft score turret labelimageminimize
Cyclops Hikware2007 beamweapons directx9 immobile soloproject turret win2k win98 winxp labelimageminimize
AC-130: Operation Devastation ValuSoft (Frozen Codebase)2008 aircraft-ac130-gunship gunship turret labelimageminimize
Alien Dominion: The Acronian Encounter Black Fire Games2010 23rdcentury alienmenace aliens aspectratio-4-3 aspectratio-auto cpplanguage demo direct3d directx9 energyshields extraterrestrial future interspecificconflict lives missionbased nosaves ogre-engine openal opengl railshooter score shadermodel2 shadermodel3 shieldregen shopping space speechsynthesis turret tutorial unlimitedammo vorbis widescreen labelimagesubject
Guns of Icarus Online  Muse Games2012 aircraft-location autoplay burning cannons charging classbased compass compositefoes cooperation crowdfunded dieselpunk falldamage femaleprotagonist flamethrowers fovoption genderchoice hitconfirmation hybridgame impartedmomentum indie internaldamage jumping ladders languagefilter lasso machineguns maleprotagonist map microtransactions midastouch mortars mp-control mp-dm mp-dropin mp-rejoin mp-spectating mp-versus naturalistic piloting playercommendations recoil reload-auto reload-manual repairing rockets rotaryguns safepits shotguns steampowered steampunk tagging telescope turret undefinedelements vehiclecrew voicechat volleyweapons walking wasteland wintery labelimagesubject
Guns of Icarus Alliance Muse Games2017 aircraft-location autoplay burning cannons charging classbased commercial compass compositefoes cooperation crowdfunded dieselpunk directx9 download falldamage flamethrowers fovoption hitconfirmation hybridgame impartedmomentum indie internaldamage jumping ladders languagefilter lasso license-proprietary machineguns map microtransactions midastouch mortars mp-control mp-dm mp-dropin mp-rejoin mp-spectating mp-versus naturalistic piloting playercommendations recoil reload-auto reload-manual repairing rockets rotaryguns safepits shotguns steampowered steampunk tagging telescope turret undefinedelements unity-engine vehiclecrew voicechat volleyweapons walking wasteland wintery labelimageminimize