showing 9 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
2H4U : Too Hard For You I4GOTMYBRAIN2006 breakoutlike cpplanguage download fallingblocks impersonal multitasking polyominos score scoreoriented sdl speedup twitch win2k winxp Latest version: 1.3 (as of 2007-06-02) labelimageminimize
Avencast: Rise of the Mage Lighthouse Interactive;Stardock (ClockStone Software)2007 1life adv-ptdistr ancientenemy animals automap autosavepoints bodyarmor bossbattles burning burrowers capacity-slots castle cemetery cloakednpcs combomoves companyfirstgame containers cryokinesis crystals death demonicinvasion demonicmenace demonpact demons descriptivenames difficulty dimensionaltravel directionalforce-wind directx9 divinemenace dodging doors doors-autoclosing download drm enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen ether faerierealm falseending flyingislands fog ghosts giantscorpions giantspiders glowingeyes gnomes healingitems healthregen healthregen-moderate heathaze identitycrisis illusionarywalls imps inorganics insects instantkillers interactivedialogs interactivetriggers interlinkedlevels interrupting inventory itemglow jewelry knockdown leveleditor leveluprestoration limitedcapacity loot-unexpected magic magic-delayed magic-innate magic-instant magic-physical magic-science magic-somatic magic-verbal magicartefacts magiccircles magicrings medieval mine minimap modifiable monsters mysticprotagonist narrator nontolkienian noports objectiveindicator obstacletranslucification oldskoolsecurity openal optionaltasks orphanprotagonist pandorasbox playerprofiles polearms polycephalids portals possessed potions premadeprotagonist pseudo3d pyrokinesis rain ruins saveanywhere school screenshake securom7 shopping sidestory skeletons slowbackpedal sorcery spawners sqlite staves steampowered summoning tasktracker titlementioned titularlocale treachery tutorial tutorial-noninteractive twitch vorbis walking warriormystics wasteland weefolk whirlwinds winvista winxp xp-deeds xp-kills youngadultprotagonist Although one of the magic disciplines available in the game is called blood magic, it's not suitable for the [gametag=bloodmagic]blood magic[/gametag] tag, as it seems to be completely unrelated type of magic.***Un RPG normal, sin nada que destacar.


4 de 10***Latest version: 1.04[a] (as of 2008-07-25?)***US+CA 2007-11 (first week)
UK 2007-11-02
DE 2007-11-16

Scandinavia 2007-11
Southern Europe Q1 2008***[b]Minimum requirements:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.2 GHz CPU or equivalent
* 512 MB RAM (1 GB for Vista)
* GeForce FX 5700 or Radeon 9700
* 4.4 GB free HD space***"Avencast combines the sense of adventure and character development found in RPGs with fast-paced action in the vein of classic beat 'em ups, all set in a world where magic truly rules the day."

Key Features

* Challenging game play: Keyboard-and-mouse-based controls that enable skilful and dexterity-based special moves and combos
* 60 different combat moves and magic spells from three categories in two magic skill trees.
* More than 40 unique 3d models of monsters and characters
* A multitude of different enemies with a great variety of skills and strategies
* Equip your character with more than 120 unique items including magic weapons and armours
* Detailed, charming 3d graphics and special effects
* Atmospheric moods through real-time soft shadows
* Intriguing storyline in 3 Chapters
* Multifaceted game play through riddles and quests that demand brain and dexterity
* 360° free camera control without annoying auto adjustment
[ClockStone Software]
Dark Messiah  Ubisoft (Arkane Studios;Floodgate Entertainment;Kuju Entertainment)2006 1life 2hmeleeweapons achillesheelfoes adv-ptdistr antivillain ashan aspectratio-16-10 aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 axes backstabbing ballistics bink blocking bodyarmor books bossbattles bows burning captives castle cave cemetery censored chargedattack city classless counselor coupdegrace criticalchance cryokinesis cyclopes damageovertime death demo demonicprotagonist diaries difficulty directx9 distortedvision divinechampion dolbydigital doors dragons dragons-western drm drm-activation dvd energyitems energyregen envcombat facelessprotagonist falldamage finishingmoves flammables fullbodyawareness gamemodedevdiscrepancy giantspiders goblins havokphysics hdrlighting healingitems highfantasy hybridprotagonist identitycrisis idlenoise immersivesim indicator-visibility island juggernauts jumping keys knives knockback ladders leaning ledges liches lostequipment magic magic-innate magic-somatic magicrings meleesim meleeweapons mightandmagic milessound minibosses mp-dm mp-teams multipleendings mystics necromancers neutralmonsters nohealthregen obsoletedassets orcs pawn pickaxe polearms powerthrow premadeprotagonist prerenderedcinematics prophecy pyrokinesis rage rating-acb-ma15 rating-bbfc-15 rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-18 rating-usk-18 repulsion rooftops ruins search serialkey serious shallowwater shapeshifting shields sickles skillbasedeq slipperysurfaces slowbackpedal slowmotion sorcery sourceengine splatter spoilertags stamina staves stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound steampowered supermode swimming swords systemsdriven temple titlementioned titularcharacter toxins twitch undead undeadmonsters unusualprotagonist visionenhancer walking wallcrawlers watercraft-location widescreen winxp xp-progress zombies Discover a new breed of Action-RPG game powered by an enhanced version of the Source™ Engine by Valve. Set in the Might & Magic® universe, players will experience ferocious combat in a dark and immersive fantasy environment. Swords, Stealth, Sorcery. Choose your way to kill.

* Cutting-edge technology: Experience an enhanced version of the famous Source™ Engine created by Valve. Discover the fresh perspective of a view with complete body awareness, realistic movements, physics rendering, and a complete first-person melee combat system in a fantasy setting.
* Never-ending action: Challenge the forces of evil in 12 huge levels and learn to master over 30 weapons and an arsenal of devastating spells.
* Evolve your character: Extend your gameplay experience without being limited to a single discipline. Learn powerful new spells and attacks using Dark Messiah's unique Skill Evolution System as you progress through the game.
* Revolutionary multiplayer mode: Get ready to battle with up to 32 players in the revolutionary Crusade mode, which will enable players to gain experience and new skills across dynamic online campaigns. Enlist with the humans or the undead and choose among five complementary character classes.***EAN-13: [code]3 307210 212511[/code] (Ubisoft / UK)***[spoiler=Show spoiler tag info;Hide][b]shapeshifting[/b] - this ability is gained late in the game.
[b]hybrid protagonist[/b] - the son of the demon sovereign and some human.[/spoiler]***The German release of the game received some censorship.
Namely the following things were changed:
* Severing limbs or heads from mobs was disabled
* Mutilating corpses was disabled
* Mobs can't be impaled
* Burning mobs die right-out***Multiplayer for this game requires Steam, unlike singleplayer.***[b]Minimum requirements:[/b]
* Windows XP
* 2.2 GHz CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 128 MB VRAM
* 7 GB free HD space

* 3 GHz CPU
Diablo Blizzard (Blizzard North)1996 actionrpg adv-ptdistr armyofone attrbasedeq automap bestsellerseries bleak bludgeons bossbattles bows cacophonicvoice capacity-slots caprinoids chargers classbased classlinkedgender cliffhanger cloakednpcs constrainedlocale crossworldcharacters dark-limited darkfantasy darkknights demonicinvasion demons diablo diablolike display-640x480 elitemobs endlessconflict energyitems evilwins fullscreen gameoftheyear gargoyles gloomy goblinoids gothic graverobbing hackandslash healingitems healingstations healthbuffer hell hellscape heroprotagonist humanoidanimals inorganics interrupting inventory ipx itemdurability itemgenerator itemidentification itempickup-instant jewelry knockback levelhub leveluprestoration limitedcapacity magic magic-instant mapgenerator meleeweapons minimap monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative naga neutralmonsters nontolkienian npcspawning obstacletranslucification openclassing optionaltasks playerprofiles potions premadecharacters presetmaps pve pyrokinesis quitsave recallportal restorativegluttony safezone saveanywhere selfluminance sequelhook serious shopping singlesave skeletons socketables sorcery spawncopy subterranean summoning swords taskgenerator taxonomy teleporting titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips town tragicending twitch undead unknownpast uvl-missingimages voiceovers walking xp-kills zombies [b]Classes:[/b]
* Warrior
* Mage
* Rogue (archer)***The game is still available as part of the Diablo Battlechest (--2007/09) and through Blizzard's webstore.
Diablo II  Blizzard2000 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-ptdistr amazons arid armyofone attrbasedeq auras automap axes bestsellerseries bink bludgeons bossbattles bows cacophonicvoice capacity-slots caprinoids cdrom chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative classbased classlinkedgender cliffhanger compatiblewine containers corpseactions crossbows crossworldcharacters cryokinesis damagetypes dark-limited darkfantasy daylighthorror demonicinvasion demons diablo diablolike direct3d directdraw directx6 drm drm-removed druids dualwielding dungeon eax eax1 electrokinesis elitemobs endlessconflict energyitems energyregen ether evilwins fasttravel-points felinoids forest fullscreen gambling ghosts glide3d goblinoids graverobbing hackandslash healing-gradual healingitems healthbuffer heroprotagonist hive humanoidanimals humid insectoids interrupting inventory itemgenerator itemidentification itempickup-instant itemsets javelins jewelry jokelevel jungle leveluprestoration license-crossplatform limitedcapacity loot-random loot-unexpected lootemup magic magicrings manaburn mapgenerator mediacheck-removed mediaindrive meleeweapons minimap mode-hardcore monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mummies necromancers nontolkienian npcfleeing npcspawning obstacletranslucification oddappliances optionaltasks paladins paperdoll passivesynergy playerexpiration playerprofiles polearms potions premadecharacters presetmaps pve pygmies pyrokinesis quickkeys quicksets quitsave rating-pegi-16 reactos reanimators recallportal recurrence recurrence-character respec restorativegluttony rewardingvandalism ricochetingattacks safezone scrolls scythes selfluminance selfupdate sequelhook serious shieldbash shopping singlesave skeletons socketables sorcery souljar spears stamina stash staves summoning supportnpcs swords swrender tasktracker taxonomy teleporters theurgy thrownweapons titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips toxins tropic twitch undead unknownpast uvl-missingimages voiceovers walking wands wasteland win2k win95 win98 winnt4 xp-deeds xp-kills zombies [b]Classes:[/b]
* Barbarian
* Necromancer
* Paladin
* Sorceress
* Amazon***Latest version: 1.13c (2010-03-23)
* 1.12a***EAN-13: [code]3348542160316[/code] (BSS)***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 95, 98, NT4 SP5, 2000 or XP
* 233 MHz Pentium CPU
* 32 MB RAM
* 650 MB HD space
* 4X CD-ROM drive

* 64 MB RAM (for hosts: 128 MB, 256 MB with more than 4 players)
* 950 MB free HD space***Since the beginning of time, the forces of Order and Chaos have been engaged in an eternal struggle to decide the fate of all Creation. That struggle has now come to the Mortal Realm...and neither Man, Demon, nor Angel will be left unscathed...

After possessing the body of the hero who defeated him, Diablo resumes his nefarious scheme to shackle humanity into unholy slavery by joining forces with the other Prime Evils, Mephisto and Baal. Only you will be able to determine the outcome of this final encounter...

In Diablo II, return to a world of dark fantasy. As one of five distinct character types, explore the world of Diablo II -- journey across distant lands, fight new villains, discover new treasures, and uncover ancient mysteries, all in the quest to stop the Lord of Terror, once and for all...

Game Features

* Five all-new character classes with unique attributes and abilities
* Four different, fully populated towns complete with wilderness areas
* Multiple dungeons, caverns, and crypts in every town for players to explore
* Expanded world, filled with all-new quests, weapons, spells, armor, monsters, and non-player characters
* Advanced combat system, incorporating class-specific fighting techniques and spells
* Full Multiplayer support, including Internet play over
* Optional 3Dfx and Direct3D support
[Blizzard]***If you're even thinking about buying Diablo 2, then say goodbye to family, friends, and your job. Run away to Mexico if you have to, because Diablo 2 is too good. It's one of those games that keep you awake at night. It makes you think about gold and magic items while your working. You'll miss entire meals for this game. It's so good it's scary.
That's right, folks, evil is back, and badder than ever. Your job, again, is to stop evil from destroying the world. You do it by hacking millions of demons and goblins to pieces, gaining experience, and finding magical items. Basically, this is the formula for the entire game, and it's more fun than should be allowed by law.
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction  Blizzard2001 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-ptdistr armyofone attrbasedeq auras automap axes bestsellerseries bludgeons bossbattles bows caninoids capacity-slots cdrom chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative classbased classbasedeq classlinkedgender claws containers corpseactions crossworldcharacters damagetypes dark-limited darkfantasy demonicinvasion demons diablo diablolike directx6 drm drm-removed druids dualwielding dungeon elitemobs endlessconflict energyitems evilwins fasttravel-points fullscreen gambling hackandslash healing-gradual healingitems healthbuffer heroprotagonist inventory itemgenerator itemidentification itempickup-instant itemsets javelins jewelry katar leveluprestoration license-crossplatform limitedcapacity loot-random loot-unexpected lootemup mageslayers magic magic-instant mapgenerator mediacheck-removed mediaindrive meleeweapons minimap mode-hardcore mp-campaign mp-cooperative nontolkienian npcfleeing npcspawning obstacletranslucification optionaltasks paladins paperdoll passivesynergy playerexpiration playerprofiles polearms potions premadecharacters presetmaps pve quicksets quitsave rating-esrb-m rating-pegi-16 reanimators recallportal respec restorativegluttony rewardingvandalism ricochetingattacks safezone scrolls selfluminance selfupdate serious shapeshifters shapeshifting shopping singlesave socketables sorcery souljar spears stash staves summoning swords swrender tasktracker taxonomy teleporters therianthropes titularcharacter tooltips twitch voiceovers walking wands werewolves win2k win95 win98 winnt4 winxp xp-deeds xp-kills Since the Beginning of Time the forces of Order and Chaos have been engaged in an eternal struggle to decide the fate of all Creation. That struggle has now come to the Mortal Realm... And neither Man, Demon, nor Angel will be left unscathed... After possessing the body of the hero who defeated him, Diablo resumes his nefarious scheme to shackle humanity into unholy slavery by joining forces with the other Prime Evils, Mephisto and Baal. Only you will be able to determine the outcome of this final encounter. As one of five distinct character types, explore the world of Diablo II - journey across distant lands, fight new villains, discover new treasures and uncover ancient mysteries, all in the quest to stop the Lord of Terror, once and for all...***[b]Classes:[/b] (new)
* Druid
* Assassin***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4 SP5, 2000 or XP
* 233 MHz Pentium CPU
* 64 MB RAM
* 800 MB HD space
* 4X CD-ROM drive

* 3D accelerator
* 8 MB VRAM***Latest version: 1.13c (2010-03-23)***In Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, you will return to follow the path of Baal, the last of the Prime Evils, into the Barbarian Highlands of the north. Traveling with hordes of demonic minions, Baal intends to corrupt the powerful Worldstone, which protects the whole of the mortal plane from the forces of Hell.

You will face a new series of quests and challenges to prevent the vile minions of the underworld from destroying the world of Sanctuary.

[b]Expansion Set Features[/b]
* Two new character classes (the Assassin and the Druid) each with 30 unique skills/spells
* One new Act set in the Barbarian Highlands
* Many new monster types, including bosses and uniques
* Interactive environments, such as siege towers and fortified battlements
* Thousands of new weapons, armor, and magical items, including class-specific quest items
* New recipes for the Horadric Cube
* Increased Stash Size
* Supports 800x600 Resolution
Hellfire  Sierra On-Line (Synergistic Software)1997 actionrpg adv-ptdistr automap classbased classlinkedgender constrainedlocale crossworldcharacters dark-limited darkfantasy demonicinvasion demons diablo diablolike dungeon elitemobs energyitems fullscreen giantinsects hackandslash healingitems healthbuffer insectoid-theme inventory itemgenerator itempickup-instant jewelry magic mapgenerator mp-campaign mp-cooperative nontolkienian obstacletranslucification playerprofiles premadecharacters quitsave recallportal selfluminance serious shopping singlesave socketables sorcery summoning tooltips twitch unarmedfighting uvl-missingimages Adds runes, monk character class, new items, and a new dungeon in the south-east corner of Tristram that contains hordes of insect-like monsters. labelimageminimize
League of Legends  Riot Games;GOA;Tencent (Riot Games)2009 abilitycharges abilitycooldown abilitydependencies adobeair adv-ptdistr adv-static aerokinesis announcer aoeindicator arcanepunk auras baseincome bloodless brittleabilities bugsplat children coldwar colorblind combatstilettos compplay contagions criticalchance cryokinesis damageovertime damagetypes deathrecap deployablesensors desperatepower download electrokinesis endlessopposition energyregen environment-static errorreporting fanservice fmod fogofwar forcedpolymorph fractionals free free2play glowingeyes healing healthbuffer homingboulders hugefeet hugeweapons indicator-range intelextrememasters invitebonus jethammers killaward-lasthit knockup levelcap lineofsight loginqueue lutris magic magic-delayed magic-held magic-instant magicaltechnology map markers matchmakingrating microtransactions mightmakesright minibosses moba mp-bots mp-control mp-friends mp-leagues mp-matchmaking mp-nodupes mp-npcallies mp-ranked mp-rejoin mp-spectating mp-teams mp-voting mp3 multiexecutable multiprocess multistageabilities mysticprotagonist nocamerapan nofriendlyfire nominioncontrol nonsensicalgear nostrayfire offmatchpowerups paidkilling pando percentagedamage playercommendations playerprogression playerreporting playerstats plethoraofreferences powernegation premadecharacters pvp pvponly pvpve pyrokinesis rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 ricochetingattacks rooting safepowers sciencefantasy selfupdate shadermodel2 shapeshifters shopping slidingwalk snowballitems socialnetwork sorcery summoning tagging teamawareness timedbenefit toxins treants tutorial twitch unconvincingarmor updateretcon ursinoids uvl-workingtitle vanityitems voicechat warriorprotagonist weefolk wildcardeqslots worldcybergames xmpp xp-kills xp-shared
[12]***2011-09 Riot cancelled the development of Mac client
... one can only assume Linux client (which had been requested by a portion of the player base) is even less likely now
Update: Mac client development and maintenance was resumed at some unknown point in time since the above and was still active in 2018-04.***Tags removed with patches:
* manaburn ( - was only used in Wit's End item.***[media=youtube]IzMnCv_lPxI[/media]
Nox Electronic Arts (Westwood Pacific)2000 1life adv-undefined bludgeons bossbattles bows castle cdrom civilianprotagonist classbased diablolike directx7 displacementfiction doors eviloverlord femaleantagonist forest fromanotherworld highfantasy inventory lineofsight magic magic-instant meleeweapons mimics monsters mp-ctf mp-dm necromancers noports premadeprotagonist proprietarynetwork rating-esrb-t serious shopping sorcery sprites stranded subterranean swords titlementioned twitch undead unknownpast unusualprotagonist uvl-imagequality uvl-missingimages voiceovers walking westwoodonline win95 win98 winnt4 xp-undefined Nox is a game of savage combat and sneaky tactics set in a mystical land filled with discovery and deceit. Nox's lightning-fast action is fueled by a combat system that's easy to use yet gives players tremendous gameplay depth and infinite possibilities. With more than 100 unique spells and weapons, players must use their wits to create devious combinations and tricky tactics. The battle happens in the world of Nox, which Westwood's game designers have filled with intricate detail. The top down viewpoint gives players an expansive view of the world. True line of sight means never knowing what's around the next corner, creating an intense level of suspense. The dynamic world of Nox is further enhanced with the addition of an advanced physics system that delivers realistic interaction between players and the environment. Roll boulders to block doors. Move candelabras to light a darkened room. Break through walls. Use water to extinguish flames. The single player game will take gamers through the three lands of Nox, pitting you against vicious monsters and powerful wizards. Driven by an epic story, you'll progress up skill levels and learn three schools of combat: the way of the Warrior, the knowledge of Conjuror, and the disciplines of the Wizard. Nox promises an intense multiplayer experience with five multiplayer options: deathmatches (teams and free-for all melees), capture the flag, and king of the realm. Multiplay will be supported through Westwood Online, an online gaming service with more than a million members.***
[84]***[b]missing images:[/b] title and in-game screens for all 3 character classes***[b]Defeat Hecubah,
Queen of the Undead, Then Rule the Internet Battleground.[/b]
Set in a land filled with discovery and deceit, Nox is a fast paced action game.

[ [b]Three Ways To Play[/b] ]
Choose the path of the Warrior and crush your opponents with power and speed. Learn the ways of the Wizards and watch enemies cower rather than face your power. Or, follow the path of the Conjurer and summon creatures of nature to do your bidding.

[ [b]True Vision[/b] ]
This innovative line of sight system creates a high level of suspense and excitement.

[ [b]Traps[/b] ]
Nox allows you to create your own traps and puzzles in solo and multiplay. Deviousness and cunning are positive attributes in this world. Imagine casting an opponent into a room filled with venomous spiders or into a pit full of lava.

[ [b]Multiplay[/b] ]
Play over the definitive internet battleground, Westwood Online, team up with friends to capture the flag or dominate them in deathmatch.

[ [b]Spells, Weapons & Abilities[/b] ]
Nox has over 50 different spells, weapons and special abilities. Summon a blood thirsty wolf to track down a sneaky opponent, conjure the Force of Nature to destroy a cavern full of demons, or mow down opponents with the Staff of Oblivion. Summon up to eight minions to do your bidding.

[ [b]Interactive Environment[/b] ]
Move rocks to block passages. Break barrels of water to put out fires or blow up powder kegs and watch debris turn into deadly shrapnel.

[b]Be cunning, Be Devious, Play Nox...[/b]
[Box blurb]***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows 95, 98 or NT4 SP4
* Pentium 200 MHz MMX CPU
* 32 MB RAM
* 300 MB free HD space
* 8X CD-ROM drive

* Pentium II 266 MHz
* 64 MB RAM
* 16X CD-ROM drive***From official site:
"You are the 20th century savior of Nox - summoned to the land in a cosmic accident. Being from Earth, you are the only living being on Nox that may touch a magic Orb in the possession of the wicked-evil queen of the undead - Hecubah. You must find this Orb and harness its power in order to construct the staff of oblivion and defeat Hecubah.

NOX allows you to play as a conjurer, wizard, or warrior in both single player and multiplayer mode. Two multiplay modes, Quest and Arena, will revolutionize internet action gaming."