showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardplayer optslanguage
Diablo Blizzard (Blizzard North)1996single player, LAN, Interneten, delabelimageminimize
Hellfire  Sierra On-Line (Synergistic Software)1997single player, LAN, Internetenlabelimageminimize
Nox Electronic Arts (Westwood Pacific)2000single player, LAN, Internetenlabelimagesubject
Diablo II  Blizzard2000LAN, Internet, single playerenlabelimagesubject
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction  Blizzard2001LAN, Internet, single playerenlabelimagesubject
2H4U : Too Hard For You I4GOTMYBRAIN2006single playeren, frlabelimageminimize
Dark Messiah  Ubisoft (Arkane Studios;Floodgate Entertainment;Kuju Entertainment)2006single player, LAN, Internetch, en, fr, de, it, ru, splabelimagesubject
Avencast: Rise of the Mage Lighthouse Interactive;Stardock (ClockStone Software)2007single playerenlabelimagesubject
League of Legends  Riot Games;GOA;Tencent (Riot Games)2009Internetch, en, fr, de, kr, otherlabelimageminimize