showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddisplaydescription
The Hunter  Emote Games (Avalanche Studios)2009textured polygonsThe description for the game is very confusing (to me), but it seems this will be a free game with possibly(!) micro-transactions for different equipment and some online aspects (socializing/networking/whatever) but actual hunting is done solo. So it shares some free-to-play MMO features without being MMO, it has internet functionality without having any (real) multiplayer, and so forth. The site also promises updates that increase the complexity of the game (such as possibly including item crafting in some later update) after the initial release, so it's very likely this will be a free-to-play pseudo-multiplayer hunting game (some game devs love making these games that can't be properly categorized with old concepts nowadays). labelimageminimize
Shadow Complex Remastered Microsoft (Chair Entertainment;Epic Games)2015A pretty solid action-platformer metroidvania.

-Map layout is interesting and scenery is absolutely gorgeus.
-Nice and simple melee combat, and animations are responsive to movement and situation.
-Achieves to be both challenging and enjoyable, putting the player in many risky situations.
-Non-unexpected bosses.

-Controls are kind of quirky.
-Shooting beyond the 2D right-left setting is a good idea, but needs more work.
-Dialogue and voice acting could be improved a lot.

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